Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2364

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123STA T . 23 4 4 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(B)Thead e qu a cyoft hea v a il a b ility of a n d acce s s to ca r e for substance use disorders in m ilitary medical treatment facilities and under the T RICA R Ep ro g ram . (C) The adequacy and appropriateness of current credentials and other requirements for physician and non - physician healthcare professionals treating members of the Armed F orces w ith substance use disorders. ( D ) The advisable ratio of physician and non-physician care providers for substance use disorders to members of the Armed Forces with such disorders. (E) The adequacy of the availability of and access to care for substance use disorders for members of the reserve components of the Armed Forces when compared with the availability of and access to care for substance use disorders for members of the regular components of the Armed Forces. (F) The adequacy of the prevention , diagnosis, treat- ment, and management of substance use disorders pro- grams for dependents of members of the Armed Forces, whether such dependents suffer from their own substance use disorder or because of the substance use disorder of a member of the Armed Forces. ( G ) S uch other matters as the Secretary considers appropriate for purposes of the study. ( 3 )R EPORT . —N ot later than two years after the date of the enactment of this Act, the entity conducting the study required by paragraph ( 1 ) shall submit to the Secretary of Defense and the congressional defense committees a report on the results of the study. The report shall set forth the findings and recommendations of the entity as a result of the study. SEC.597 . R E PO R T SO NY E L LO W R IB BON REINTE G R A TION PROGRA M AN D OT H ER REINTEGRATION PROGRAMS. (a) REPORT O N RE I NTE G R A TION P ROGRA MS GENERA L L Y .—Not later than 1 80 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report on the various reintegration programs being administered in support of members of the National Guard and Reserves and their families. (b) A D DITIONAL ELEMENTS O F ANN U AL REPORTS ON Y ELLO W RI B BON REINTEGRATION PROGRAM.—The annual reports on the Yel- low Ribbon Reintegration Program under section 5 8 2 of the National Defense Authori z ation Act for Fiscal Year 2008 (Public L aw 110 – 181

122 Stat. 122; 10 U .S.C. 10101 note) that are submitted under subsection (e)( 4 ) of such section after the date of the enactment of this Act shall include the following

(1) In the first such annual report submitted after the date of the enactment of this Act— (A) a description and assessment of the implementation of the Yellow Ribbon Reintegration Program in fiscal year 200 9 , including— (i) an assessment of best practices from pilot pro- grams offered by various States to provide services to supplement the services available through the Yel- low Ribbon Reintegration Program; and