123STA T . 23 54PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(5)Section3 35( k ) ,r e la tin g to sp ecial b on u san d incenti v e pa y aut h orities f or officers in health professions . ( 6 ) Section 35 1 (i), relating to ha z ardous duty pay. ( 7 ) Section 35 2 (g), relating to assign m ent pay or special duty pay. ( 8 ) Section 353( j ), relating to skill incentive pay or pro - ficiency bonus. ( 9 ) Section 355(i), relating to retention incentives for mem- bers q ualified in critical military skills or assigned to high priority units. SEC.615 . ON E -Y E AR E XT ENS I ONO F A U T H ORITIES RE L ATIN G TO P AY- M ENT OF OTHER TITLE 37B ONUSES AN D SPECIAL PAYS. T he follo w ing sections of chapter 5 of title 37, U nited States C ode, are amended by striking ‘ ‘ D ecember 31, 2 0 09 ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2010’’
(1) Section 301b(a), relating to aviation officer retention bonus. (2) Section 307a(g), relating to assignment incentive pay. (3) Section 308(g), relating to reenlistment bonus for active members. ( 4 ) Section 309(e), relating to enlistment bonus. (5) Section 324(g), relating to accession bonus for new offi- cers in critical skills. (6) Section 326(g), relating to incentive bonus for conversion to military occupational specialty to ease personnel shortage. (7) Section 327(h), relating to incentive bonus for transfer between armed forces. (8) Section 330(f), relating to accession bonus for officer candidates. SEC. 616. ONE-YEAR EXTENSION OF AUTHORITIES RELATING TO PAY- MENT OF REFERRAL BONUSES. The following sections of title 10, United States Code, are amended by striking ‘‘December 31, 2009’’ and inserting ‘‘December 31, 2010’’: (1) Section 1030(i), relating to health professions referral bonus. (2) Section 3252(h), relating to A rmy referral bonus. SEC. 617. TECHNICAL CORRECTIONS AND CONFORMING AMENDMENTS TO RECONCILE CONFLICTING AMENDMENTS REGARDING CONTINUED PAYMENT OF BONUSES AND SIMILAR BENE- FITS FOR CERTAIN MEMBERS. (a) T ECHNI C AL C OR REC T ION S TO R ECONCILE CON F LICTIN G A M EN D MENTS. — Section 303a(e) of title 37, United States Code, is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)(A), by striking ‘‘paragraph (2)’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraphs (2) and (3)’’
(2) by redesignating paragraphs (3) and (4) as paragraphs (4) and (5), respectively; (3) in paragraph (5), as so redesignated, by striking ‘‘para- graph (3)( B )’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraph (4)(B)’’; (4) by redesignating paragraph (2), as added by section 651(b) of the Duncan H unter N ational Defense Authorization Act for F iscal Y ear 2009 ( P ublic L aw 110 – 417; 122 Stat. 4495), as paragraph (3); and