Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2394

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123STA T . 23 74PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9SEC.705 . TRI C A RE STA ND ARD C OV ERA G E F OR CERTAIN M EM B ERS OFT H E RETIRED RESERVE W HO ARE QU A L IFIED FOR A NON - REGULAR RETIREMENT BUT ARE NOT Y ET AGE 6 0. (a)INGE NE RAL.—Ch a pter5 5 of t i t l e 10,Un ite dS tate s Code, isa m ended by insertin g after se c tion 10 76 d the follo w ing new section

‘ §1076e.TRICA R Eprog r am: TRICARE St a nd ard c o v erage f or certa i n mem b er s oft h e Retired Reserve w ho are qu a l ified for a non - regular retirement but are not y et age 60 ‘ ‘(a) E L IG I B ILI TY .—(1) E x cept as pro v ided in paragraph ( 2 ),a member of the R etired Reserve of a reserve component of the armed forces who is qu alified for a non - regular retirement at age 60 under chapter 122 3 of this title, but is not age 60, is eligible for health benefits under T RIC A RE Standard as provided in this section. ‘‘(2) P aragraph (1) does not apply to a member who is enrolled, or is eligible to enroll, in a health benefits plan under chapter 89 of title 5. ‘‘(b) TER M INATI O NO F ELIGIBILITY U P ON O BTAINING OT H ER TRICARE STAN D ARD CO V ERAGE.—Eligibility for TRICARE Standard coverage of a member under this section shall terminate upon the member becoming eligible for TRICARE Standard coverage at age 60 under section 1086 of this title. ‘‘(c) F AMILY M EMBER S .— W hile a member of a reserve component is covered by TRICARE Standard under this section, the members of the immediate family of such member are eligible for TRICARE Standard coverage as dependents of the member. If a member of a reserve component dies while in a period of coverage under this section, the eligibility of the members of the immediate family of such member for TRICARE Standard coverage under this section shall continue for the same period of time that would be provided under section 1086 of this title if the member had been eligible at the time of death for TRICARE Standard coverage under such section (instead of under this section). ‘‘(d) PREMI U MS.—(1) A member of a reserve component covered by TRICARE Standard under this section shall pay a premium for that coverage. ‘‘(2) The Secretary of D efense shall prescribe for the purposes of this section one premium for TRICARE Standard coverage of members without dependents and one premium for TRICARE Standard coverage of members with dependents referred to in sub- section (f)(1). The premium prescribed for a coverage shall apply uniformly to all members of the reserve components covered under this section. ‘‘(3) The monthly amount of the premium in effect for a month for TRICARE Standard coverage under this section shall be the amount equal to the cost of coverage that the Secretary determines on an appropriate actuarial basis. ‘‘( 4 ) The Secretary shall prescribe the requirements and proce- dures applicable to the payment of premiums under this subsection. ‘‘(5) Amounts collected as premiums under this subsection shall be credited to the appropriation available for the Defense H ealth Program Account under section 1100 of this title, shall be merged with sums in such Account that are available for the fiscal year Procedu re s.Ap p li c ab ili ty .