Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2459

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123STA T . 2 4 3 9PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 Sec.1083 . Dis c lo s ur eo fnam esofs t u d ents and instructors at W estern H emis ph ere I nstitute for Securit yC ooperation. Sec. 108 4 . Sense of Con g ress regarding the Western Hemisphere Institute for Secu - rity Cooperation. Subti t leA—F i na n c ial M atte rsSEC.10 01. G E N E RALT RANS F ERA U T HO R I T Y . (a)AUTHORI T Y TO T R ANSFE R AUTHORI Z ATIONS .— ( 1 ) AUTHORITY.— Upondet e rmi nation by t h e S e c retary o fD efen s ethats u ch action is necessary in the nationa l interest , the Secretary may transfer amounts of authori z ations made a v ailable to the Department of Defense in this division for fiscal year 20 10 bet w een any such authorizations for that fiscal year (or any subdivisions thereof). Amounts of authorizations so transferred shall be mer g ed with and be available for the same purposes as the authorization to which transferred. (2) L I M ITATION.— Ex cept as provided in paragraph ( 3 ), the total amount of authorizations that the Secretary may transfer under the authority of this section may not exceed $4 ,000,000,000. (3) E XC E P TION FOR TRANSFERS B ET W EEN MI L ITARY PER - SONNEL AUTHORIZATIONS.—A transfer of funds between military personnel authorizations under title IV shall not be counted toward the dollar limitation in paragraph (2). (b) LIMITATIONS.—The authority provided by this section to transfer authorizations— (1) may only be used to provide authority for items that have a higher priority than the items from which authority is transferred

and (2) may not be used to provide authority for an item that has been denied authorization by C ongress. (c) EFFECT ON AUTHORIZATION AMOUNTS.—A transfer made from one account to another under the authority of this section shall be deemed to increase the amount authorized for the account to which the amount is transferred by an amount e q ual to the amount transferred. (d) N OTICE TO CON G RESS.—The Secretary shall promptly notify Congress of each transfer made under subsection (a). SEC. 100 2 . RELATIONSHI P OF THE Q UA D RENNIAL DEFENSE RE V IE W AND THE ANNUAL B UDGET REQUEST. Section 11 8 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection

‘(h) R ELATIONSHIP TO B U D GET.—Nothing in this section shall be construed to affect section 110 5 (a) of title 31. ’ ’. SEC. 100 3 . AUDIT READINESS OF FINANCIAL STATE M ENTS OF THE DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE. (a) F INANCIAL IMPRO V EMENT AUDIT READINESS P LAN.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Chief M anagement O fficer of the Department of Defense shall, in consultation with the Under Secretary of Defense (Comptroller), develop and maintain a plan to be k nown as the ‘‘Financial Improvement and Audit Readiness Plan’’. (2) ELEMENTS.—The plan required by paragraph (1) shall— (A) describe specific actions to be taken and the costs associated with— 10USC2 222 note.