Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2467

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123STA T . 2 4 4 7PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(3)SENS E OFC ON GR ESS .—Itis t he se n se ofC on gr ess th a t the P resi d ent ,V i c e President, e x ec u ti v e b ranch officia l s, and m embers of Congress should use the U .S.S. Constitution for the conducting of p ertinent matters of state, such as hosting visiting heads of state, signing legislation relating to the A rmed F orces, and signing maritime related treaties. ( 4 )FEEORRE IMBU RSEMEN T STRUCTURE FOR NON -D E PA RT- MENT OF T H ENA VY USE.— T he Secretar y of the N avy shall determine an appropriate fee or reimbursement structure for any non- D epartment of the Navy entities using the U.S.S. Constitution for Ship of State purposes. SEC.1023 . T E MPORA R Y RE DU CT I O N IN MINIMUM NUM B ERO F OPER - ATIONA L AIRCRAFT CARRIERS. (a) TEMPORARY W AIVER.—Not w ithstanding section 5062 (b) of title 1 0, United States Code, during the period beginning on the date of the inactivation of the U.S.S. E nterprise (CVN – 65) sched- uled, as of the date of the enactment of this Act, for fiscal year 2013 and ending on the date of the commissioning into active service of the U.S.S. G erald R . Ford (CVN– 78 ), the number of operational aircraft carriers in the naval combat forces of the Navy may be 10. (b) EVA L UATION AND REPORT.— (1) EVALUATION.—During fiscal year 2012, the Chairman of the J oint Chiefs of Staff, in coordination with the com- manders of the combatant commands, shall evaluate the re q uired postures and capabilities of each of the combatant commands to assess the level of increased ris k that could result due to a temporary reduction in the total number of operational aircraft carriers following the inactivation of the U.S.S. Enter- prise (CVN–65). (2) REPORT TO CONGRESS.—Together with the budget mate- rials submitted to Congress by the Secretary of Defense in support of the President ’ s budget for fiscal year 2013, the Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees a report containing the findings of the evaluation conducted pursuant to paragraph (1), and the basis for each such finding. SEC. 102 4 . SENSE OF CON G RESS CONCERNING T H E DISPOSITION OF SUBMARINE NR – 1. (a) FINDINGS.—Congress makes the following findings

(1) The Deep Submergence Vessel NR–1 (hereinafter in this section referred to as ‘ ‘NR–1’’) was built by the Electric B oat Company in Groton, Connecticut, entered service in 1 9 69, and was the only nuclear-powered research submersible in the United States Navy. (2) NR–1 was assigned to Naval Submarine Base New L ondon, located in Groton, Connecticut, throughout her entire service life. (3) NR–1 was inactivated in December 2008. (4) Due to the unique capabilities of NR–1, it conducted numerous missions of significant military and scientific value most notably in the fields of geological survey and oceano- graphic research. (5) In 1986, NR–1 played a key role in the search for and recovery of the Space Shuttle Challenger. Timep e r i od.