Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2508

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123STA T . 2 48 8 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 84 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9‘ ‘ (2)OTHERLIM IT A TI ONS.—Inthecas e of an y e mpl oyees w ho( di s r e g arding s ub paragraph ( A )) would otherwise be sub -j ect to a limitation on premium pay similar to one set forth in section 5 5 47 of title 5 ,U nited S tates C ode (as determined by the head of the Ex ecuti v e agency in or under which such employees are employed)— ‘‘(A) the agency head may waive that otherwise applicable limitation, to the same extent and in the same manner as would be allowable under subsection (a) if those employees were instead subject to such section 5547

and ‘‘( B ) if a waiver under subparagraph (A) is granted with respect to such employees, then, neither section 5 30 7 of title 5, United States Code, nor any other similar limita- tion (as determined by the agency head) shall apply with respect to such employees for purposes of any calendar year for which such waiver is so granted. ’ ’. SEC.1 1 07 .E XT E N S IO NO F CE R T A IN B ENEFITS TO FE D ERA L CI V ILIAN E MP LO Y EES ON OFFICIAL D U TYINPA K ISTAN. Section 16 03(a)(2) of the Emergency Supplemental Appropria- tions Act for D efense, the G lobal W ar on T error, and H urricane R ecovery, 2006 ( P ublic L aw 10 9 -234; 120 Stat. 443), as amended by section 1102 of the Duncan Hunter N ational Defense Authori z a- tion Act for F iscal Y ear 2009 (Public Law 110-417; 122 Stat. 4616), is amended by inserting ‘‘Pa k istan or’’ after ‘‘is on official duty in’’. SEC. 110 8 .RE Q UIREMENT FOR DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE STRATE G IC W ORKFORCE PLANS. (a) CO D I F I C ATION OF RE QU IREMENT FOR STRATE G IC WOR K FORCE PLAN.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Chapter 2 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by adding after section 115a the following new section

‘ §1 1 5b.An n ualstr at egicwo r kf orce p lan ‘‘(a) ANNUAL PLAN REQUIRED.—(1) The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the congressional defense committees on an annual basis a strategic workforce plan to shape and improve the civilian employee workforce of the Department of Defense. ‘‘(2) The Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readi- ness shall have overall responsibility for developing and imple- menting the strategic workforce plan, in consultation with the Under Secretary of Defense for Ac q uisition, Technology, and Logis- tics. ‘‘(b) CONTENTS.—Each strategic workforce plan under sub- section (a) shall include, at a minimum, the following: ‘‘(1) An assessment of— ‘‘(A) the critical skills and competencies that will be needed in the future within the civilian employee workforce by the Department of Defense to support national security requirements and effectively manage the Department during the seven-year period following the year in which the plan is submitted; ‘‘(B) the appropriate mix of military, civilian, and con- tractor personnel capabilities;