Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2516

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123STA T . 2 496PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 09 compensati on f o r ci v i l ian emplo y eesoft h e D epartment p u rsu - ant to su b section ( a ). (c) AN N UALREPORT . —N ot later than 60d ays after the end of each fiscal year for w hich the authority in subsection (a) is in effect , the S ecretary shall submit to the con g ressional defense committees a report on the use of such authority. E ach report shall cover the preceding fiscal year and shall identify, at a min- imum, the following

( 1 ) T he amount of funds used under the authority in sub- section (a) to provide compensation for civilian employees. ( 2 ) The source or sources of the funds so used. ( 3 ) The number of civilian employees employed through the use of such funds. ( 4 ) The actions ta k en by the Secretary to ensure that follow-on funding for such civilian employees is provided through appropriate accounts. (d) TE M PORAR Y AUT H OR I TY.—The authority in subsection (a) shall apply to funds authori z ed to be appropriated for the Depart- ment of Defense for fiscal years 2010 through 201 9 . SEC.1 11 2 . D E PARTM E N T OF DEFENSE C IV I L IAN LEADERS H IP PRO -G RAM. (a) L EA D ER S HIP P RO G RAM RE Q UIRED.— (1) I N GENERAL.—Not later than 1 8 0 days after the date of the enactment of this Act, the Secretary of Defense shall establish a program of leadership recruitment and development for civilian employees of the Department of Defense, to be known as the ‘ ‘Department of Defense C ivilian Leadership Pro- gram ’ ’ (in this section referred to as the ‘‘program’’). (2) OBJ E C TI V ES.—The ob j ectives of the program shall be as follows: (A) To develop a new generation of civilian leaders for the Department of Defense. ( B ) To recruit individuals with the academic merit, work e x perience, and demonstrated leadership skills to meet the future needs of the Department. (C) To offer rapid advancement, competitive compensa- tion, and leadership opportunities to highly q ualified civilian employees of the Department. (3) AVAILABLE AUTHORITIES.—In carrying out the program, the Secretary may exercise any authority available to the Office of Personnel M anagement under section 4 7 03 of title 5 , U nited States Code, except that the Secretary shall not be bound by the limitations in subsection (d) of such section. Nothing in this section shall be construed to authorize the waiver of any part of chapter 71 of title 5, United States Code, or any regulation implementing such chapter, in the carrying out of the program. (b) ELIGIBLE INDIVIDUALS.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The following individuals shall be eligible to participate in the program: (A) Current employees of the Department of Defense. (B) Appropriate individuals in the private sector. (2) LIMITATION ON NUMBER O F PARTICIPANTS IN PROGRAM.— The total number of individuals who may participate in the program in any fiscal year may not exceed 5,000. Deadlin e .10USC 1 58 0 n ot e pr e c . A pplica b ilit y .