123STA T . 2 5 2 4PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(3)Aprog r am o fend-us e mon it oring of l et h al defense arti- c les and defense ser v ices transferred to the entities and individ- uals descri b ed in subparagraphs (A) and ( B ) of paragraph ( 1 ) . (c) REVI E W;EX E MPT I ON . — (1) REVIEW.— T he S ecretar y of D efense shall periodically revie w the defense articles and defense services sub j ect to the registration and end-use monitoring re q uirements under sub- section (b) to determine which defense articles and defense services , if any, should no longer be subject to such registration and end-use monitoring requirements. The Secretary of Defense shall submit to the specified congressional committees the results of each review conducted under this paragraph. ( 2 ) EXEMPTION.—The Secretary of Defense may e x empt a defense article or defense service from the registration and end-use monitoring requirements under subsection (b) begin- ning on the date that is 3 0 days after the date on which the Secretary provides notice of the proposed exemption to the specified congressional committees. Such notice shall describe any controls to be imposed on such defense article or defense service, as the case may be, under any other provi- sion of law. (d) DE F INITION S .— I n this section
(1) DEFENSE AR TI CL E.—The term ‘ ‘defense article ’ ’ has the meaning given the term in section 64 4(d) of the F oreign Assist- ance Act of 1 9 61 (22 U .S. C . 2403(d)). (2) DEFENSE SERVICE.—The term ‘‘defense service’’ has the meaning given the term in section 644(f) of the Foreign Assist- ance Act of 1961 (22 U.S.C. 2403(f)). (3) SMALL ARM.—The term ‘‘small arm’’ means— (A) a handgun or pistol; (B) a shoulder-fired weapon, including a sub-carbine, carbine, or rifle; (C) a light, medium, or heavy automatic weapon up to and including a . 5 0 caliber machine gun; (D) a recoilless rifle up to and including 106mm; (E) a mortar up to and including 8 1mm; (F) a roc k et launcher, man-portable; ( G ) a grenade launcher, rifle and shoulder fired; and ( H ) an individually-operated weapon which is portable or can be fired without special mounts or firing devices and which has potential use in civil disturbances and is vulnerable to theft. (4) SPECIFIE D CON G RESSIONAL COMMITTEES.—The term ‘‘specified congressional committees’’ means— (A) the Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Com- mittee on Armed Services of the House of Representatives; and (B) the Committee on Foreign Relations and the Com- mittee on Armed Services of the Senate. (e) EFFECTIVE DATE.— (1) IN GENERAL.—Except as provided in paragraph (2), this section shall take effect 180 days after the date of the enactment of this Act. (2) EXCEPTION.—The Secretary of Defense may delay the effective date of this section by an additional period of up to 120 days if the Secretary certifies in writing to the specified congressional committees for such additional period that it Timep e r i od.C er t i f i ca tio n . E ffecti v e date. N otification.