Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2555

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123STA T . 2 5 35 PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9(3)DEF E NS ESE RVIC ES .—Thet e rm‘ ‘ d e f e ns e ser vic es ’ ’h a s the meanin g given the term in secti o n 64 4(f) of s u ch A ct( 2 2 U . S . C .24 0 3(f)). (4) M I L I TA R Y AN D SEC U RITY F O RCES.—The term ‘‘mi l itar y and security forces’’ means national armies , national air forces, national navies, national guard forces, p olice forces and b order security forces, but does not include non - governmental or irreg- ular forces (such as private militias). (h) EXP IRATION.—The authority provided under subsection (a) maynotbee x ercised after September 30, 20 1 0. (i) EXCESS DEFENSE ARTICLES.— (1) ADDITIONAL AUT H ORITY.—The authority provided by subsection (a) is in addition to the authority provided by section 5 16 of the F oreign Assistance Act of 1 9 61. (2) A G GREGATE VALUE.—The value of excess defense articles transferred to I ra q or Afghanistan during fiscal year 2010 pursuant to section 516 of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 shall not be counted against the limitation on the aggregate value of excess defense articles transferred contained in sub- section (g) of such Act or against the limitation on the aggregate value of defense articles transferred contained in subsection (b)(1) of this section. ( j ) R ULE OF CONSTRUCTION.— N othing in this section shall be construed as to provide the authority to refurbish, transport, or other w ise assist in the transfer to Iraq or Afghanistan of excess defense articles outside of Iraq or K uwait as of the date of the enactment of this Act. SEC.1235 . AN A LY S I S OFR E QU IRE D FORCE LE V ELS AND T Y P ES OF FORCES NEEDED TO SECURE SOUT H ERN AND EASTERN RE G IONS OF AFGHANISTAN. (a) STUDY RE Q UIRED.—The Secretary of Defense may, in sup- port of the Commander of United States Forces for Afghanistan (USF O R-A), enter into a contract with a Federally Funded Research Development Center (FFRDC) to provide an analysis of the required force levels and types of forces needed to implement the Com- mander’s strategic objectives in Afghanistan, including securing the southern and eastern regions of Afghanistan in order to provide a space for the G overnment of Afghanistan to establish effective government control and provide the Afghan security forces with the required training and mentoring. (b) FUNDING.—From funds made available for the Department of Defense by section 301(5) for operation and maintenance, Defense-wide activities, $ 3,000,000 may be used to carry out sub- section (a). SEC. 123 6 . M ODIFICATION OF REPORT ON PROGRESS TO W ARD SECU - RITY AND STA B ILITY IN AFGHANISTAN. (a) REPORT REQUIRED.—Subsection (a) of section 1230 of the National Defense Authori z ation Act for Fiscal Y ear 200 8 ( P ublic L aw 110 – 181

122 Stat. 385) is amended by stri k ing ‘‘2010’’ and inserting ‘‘2011’’. (b) MATTERS TO B E INCLUDED

STRATEGIC DIRECTION OF UNITED STATES ACTIVITIES RELATING TO SECURITY AND STA B ILITY IN AFGHANISTAN.—Subsection (c) of such section is amended— (1) in paragraph (1)— (A) by redesignating subparagraph (B) as subpara- graph (C); and