Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2594

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123STA T . 2 574PUBLIC LA W 111 –8 4 —O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9bothc h ap t er5 5o f t i t l e 10,Un ite dS tate sC ode, and title 38 , United States Code .SEC.1706 .E XT E N S IO NO FD OD –VAH EA L TH CA R E SHARIN G INCENTIVE F U ND. Section 8111 ( d ) (3) of title 38, United States Code, is a m ended b y stri k in g‘ ‘September 30, 2 010 ’ ’ and inserting ‘‘September 30, 2015’’. TI T LEXV III —M ILIT ARYCO MMI S SIO N S Sec.180 1.S hort t i t l e. Sec. 180 2 . M ilit a r y co m mi s sio n s. Sec. 180 3 . C on f ormin g amen d ments. Sec. 180 4 . P roceedings u nder p rior statute. Sec. 180 5 . Su b mittal to Congress of re v ised rules for military commissions. Sec. 180 6 . A nnual reports to Congress on trials by military commission. Sec. 180 7 . Sense of Congress on military commission system. SEC. 1 8 01. SHORT TITLE. T his title may be cited as the ‘‘ M ilitary Commissions A ct of 200 9 ’’. SEC. 180 2 . M ILITAR Y COMMISSIONS. Chapter 47 A of title 10, United States Code, is amended to read as follo w s

‘ CHAPTER47 A —MIL ITAR Y C O MMI S SIO N S ‘ ‘S UB C H AP TER Sec. ‘‘ I . G eneral Provisions ............................................................................................ 9 48a. ‘‘II. Composition of Military Commissions ........................................................... 948h. ‘‘III. Pre - Trial Procedure ........................................................................................ 948 q . ‘‘I V . Trial Procedure ............................................................................................... 949a. ‘‘V. Classified Information Procedures .................................................................. 949p – 1. ‘‘VI. Sentences ......................................................................................................... 949s. ‘‘VII. Post-Trial Procedures and Revie w of Military Commissions ..................... 950a. ‘‘VIII. Punitive Matters .......................................................................................... 950p. ‘‘SU B C H A P T ERI—G E N ERA L PR OV ISIONS ‘‘Sec. ‘‘948a. D efinitions. ‘‘948b. Military commissions generally. ‘‘948c. Persons sub j ect to military commissions. ‘‘948d. J urisdiction of military commissions. ‘‘ §9 4 8a.Defin i t i o n s ‘‘In this chapter: ‘‘(1) A LIEN .—The term ‘alien’ means an indi v id u al who is not a citi z en of the United States. ‘‘(2) CL AS SI F IE D INF ORM A T ION.—The term ‘classified information’ means the following: ‘‘(A) Any information or material that has been deter - mined by the United States Government pursuant to statute, E x ecutive order, or regulation to re q uire protection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of national security. ‘‘(B) Any restricted data, as that term is defined in section 11 y. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (42 U.S.C. 2014(y)). 10USC948anote.Mil ita ry Co m mi s sions Ac t o f2 009.