Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2676

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123STA T . 2 65 6 PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9Aofti t leX X I Xof Pub li cLaw10 1 –5 10

10 U.S . C . 2687n ote ), t h e Sec r etar y of D efen s e shoul d ensure that the j oint basin g of m ilitary installations at any of the recommended locations does not ad v ersely im p act —( 1) the ability of commanders, and the units of the Armed F orces under their command, to perform their operational mis - sions; (2) the command and control of commanders at each mili- tary installation that has an operational mission re q uirement; and ( 3 ) the readiness of the units of the Armed Forces under their command. SEC.2714 . R E QUI RE M E NT SRE LA TE D T OP RO V IDIN GW ORLD CLASS MILITAR Y MEDICAL F ACILITIES IN T H E NATIONAL CAP - ITAL REGION. (a) MASTER P L A NR E QUI RE D .— N ot later than March 31, 2010, the Secretary of Defense shall develop and implement a comprehen- sive master plan to provide sufficient world class military medical facilities and an integrated system of health care delivery for the National Capital Region that— (1) addresses— (A) the unique needs of members of the Armed Forces and retired members of the Armed Forces and their fami- lies; ( B ) the care, management, and transition of seriously ill and injured members of the Armed Forces and their families; (C) the missions of the branch or branches of the Armed Forces served; and (D) performance e x pectations for the future integrated health care delivery system, including— (i) information management and information tech- nology support; and (ii) expansion of support services; (2) delineates the process for the development of budgets, prioriti z ation of requirements, and the allocation of funds; (3) delineates budget and operational authority to provide and operate world class military medical facilities in the National Capital Region; ( 4 ) incorporates all ancillary and support facilities at the National Naval Medical Center, Bethesda, Maryland, including education and research facilities as well as centers of excellence, transportation, and par k ing structures required to provide a full range of adequate care and services for members of the Armed Forces and their families; (5) incorporates a facilities needs assessment, including an assessment of standards for patient rooms, and provides a program to meet the facility requirements; (6) specifies the personnel authorizations and personnel systems required to provide and operate a world class military medical facility; (7) can be used as a basis to develop similar master plans for other military medical facilities of the Department of Defense; and (8) includes a community development plan that incor- porates multiple options to alleviate traffic congestion related Distr i c t ofC o lumb i a.M ar y la nd . V ir g inia. D e adlines.