Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2720

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123STA T . 2 70 0 PUBLIC LA W 111 –84—O CT. 28 , 200 9ther e af ter , the S e c retar yo f D efe ns e sha l ls ubmi ttothea p pro - priate con g ressional committees a report on the number of personnel an d acti v ities of the O D RP.(2)ELEM E NTS . —T he report under paragraph ( 1 ) shall include the follo w ing

( A ) A detailed accounting of the number of personnel permanently assigned or on temporary duty in the ODRP. ( B ) A description of the mission of those personnel assigned on a temporary or permanent basis to the ODRP. ( C )Apro j ection of space re q uirements for the ODRP. ( 3 )TE R M I N A TI O N.—The requirement to submit a report under paragraph (1) terminates on the date occurring two years after the date on which the first report under such paragraph is submitted. (c) F ORM.—A report under this section may be submitted in a classified form. (d) A P PROPRIATE CON G RESSIONAL COMMITTEES.—For the pur- poses of this section, the appropriate congressional committees are the following: (1) The congressional defense committees. (2) The Committee on Foreign Affairs of the H ouse of Representatives. (3) The Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate. DIV I S I ONC— D EPARTM ENT O F ENER GY NATIONA L SEC U RITY AUT H ORI Z A - TIONS AND OTHER AUTHORIZATIONS TITLE X XXI—DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY NATIONAL SECURITY PROGRAMS Subti t leA—Na ti on al Se c u r it yP ro g ra ms Aut h ori z ations Sec .310 1. National Nuclear Security A d ministration. Sec. 310 2 . D e f ense en v ironmental cleanu p . Sec. 3103. O ther defense activities. Sec. 310 4 . Defense nuclear w aste disposal. Sec. 310 5 . E nergy security and assurance. Sec. 310 6 . R elation to funding tables. Subtitle B —Program Authorizations , Restrictions, and L imitations Sec. 3111. Stoc k pile stewardship program. Sec. 3112. Report on stockpile stewardship criteria and assessment of stockpile stewardship program. Sec. 3113. Stockpile management program. Sec. 3114. Dual validation of annual weapons assessment and certification. Sec. 3115. Elimination of nuclear weapons life e x tension program from exception to re q uirement to request funds in budget of the President. Sec. 3116. Long - term plan for the modernization and refurbishment of the nuclear security complex. Sec. 311 7 . Repeal of prohibition on funding activities associated with international cooperative stockpile stewardship. Sec. 311 8 . M odification of minor construction threshold for plant pro j ects. Sec. 311 9 . T wo-year extension of authority for appointment of certain scientific, en- gineering, and technical personnel. Sec. 3120. National Nuclear Security Administration authority for urgent non- proliferation activities. Sec. 3121. Repeal of sunset date for consolidation of counterintelligence programs of Department of Energy and National Nuclear Security Administration. Subtitle C —Reports Sec. 3131. National Academy of Sciences review of national security laboratories.