Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2843

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123STA T . 2 8 23 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 4—O CT. 28 , 2 0 0 9MIL I TARYCONS TR U CTION (InThousa n d so fD o l la r s ) A c c ount St a t e/ Count ry an d In s ta l lat i on P ro j ect Title B ud g et Re q uest Con f erence Agree m ent AFRe ser v e U ns p e ci fied W orld -w ide P ro g ra m ma t ic Plus Up . .............................. 5 5 ,0 00 Air lG uard Unspecified World- wide Programmatic Plus Up ............................... 3 0,000 AR N G Unspecified World- wide Programmatic Plus Up ............................... 30,000 M ilcon, Naval Res Unspecified World- wide Programmatic Plus Up ............................... 55,000 U S AR Unspecified World- wide Programmatic Plus Up ............................... 30,000 Total F Y 201 0 Aut h ori z ations ................ 22 ,946 ,0 3 6 23, 87 9,8 5 6 Prior Y ear Savings ...................................... – 175,800 General Reduction ...................................... –529,091 G rand Total ............................................... 22,946,036 23,174,965 SEC.4502 . 2005 BA SE R EA LIGNM EN T AN D CL O S U RE ROUND FY 20 1 0 P RO J ECT LISTING. 2005 BAS E REALIGNMENT AN D CLOSURE ROUND FY 2010 PRO J ECT LISTING (In Thousands of Dollars) Account State and Location Project Title Project Authoriza - tion Con- ference Authoriza- tion A L Arm y Anniston (Pelham Range) Armed Forces Reserve C enter ........................... 8 ,000 8,000 Army B irmingham Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 1 0,000 10,000 Army Mo b ile Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 2 0, 4 30 20,430 Defense Wide Redstone Arsenal V on Braun Comple x ........................................... 0 2 7 ,800 Army Tuscaloosa Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 18,000 18,000 AR Army Camden Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 9 ,800 9,800 Army E l Dorado Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 14,000 14,000 Army H ot Springs Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 14, 6 00 14,600 Army Pine Bluff Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 15,500 15,500 A Z Army Marana Armed Forces Reserve Center ........................... 31,000 31,000 CA Navy Barstow Industrial Machine Shop Facility ..................... 14,131 14,130 Navy China La k e Shipboard Shock Test Facility .......................... 3,160 3,160 Navy China Lake Weapons Dynamics RDT & E Center ................. 5,970 5,970 CT Army Middletown Armed Forces Reserve Center, Incr 2 .............. 37,000 37,000 DC Navy Washington Navy Systems Management Activity Reloca- tion (INCR II of II). 71,929 71,929 Navy Washington Renovate 3rd Floor Building 176, Washington Navy Yard. 750 750 FL Army Eglin AFB Special Forces Complex, Incr 2 ......................... 8,000 8,000 Air Force Eglin AFB BRAC F – 35 Live O rdnance Load Area (LOLA) 6,624 6,624 Air Force Eglin AFB CE Facility .......................................................... 2,000 2,000 Air Force Eglin AFB F–35 ( J SF) Duke Field Control Tower ............. 2,280 2,280 Air Force Eglin AFB Fitness Facility ................................................... 2,750 2,750 Air Force Eglin AFB STOVL Simulated Carrier Practice Landing Deck. 27,690 27,690 Air Force Eglin AFB School Age Facility ............................................. 2,600 2,600 Air Force Eglin AFB Security Forces Facility ..................................... 890 890 Air Force Eglin AFB Taxiway Extension ............................................. 13,000 13,000 Air Force Eglin AFB Traffic Management Cargo Processing Facility 900 900 GA Army Benning AAFES Troop Store ............................................ 1,950 1,950