Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/2988

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123STA T . 2 968PUBLIC LA W 111 – 88 —O CT. 3 0, 2009 pur p ose s d e lin e at edint h eta b le titled ‘ ‘ I n c orporation o fC on g res - sionall yR e q uested P ro j ects ’ ’ included in the joint e x planatory state- m ent of the managers accompanying this A ct , except that such funding appropriated for land acquisition, construction, and capital impro v ement and maintenance may be reallocated to other projects in that table funded by the same appropriation account if such reallocation has been approved by the H ouse and S enate Commit- tees on Appropriations

and, such funding appropriated for ‘‘ N ational Par k Service — Historic Preservation F und’’ for Save America’s T reasures grants may be reallocated to be used for competitive grants under the Save America’s Treasures program if such reallocation has been approved by the House and Senate Committees on Appropriations .TI T LEV—F L AM EA C T O F 20 0 9SEC.501 .S HORT T I T L E. This title may be cited as the ‘‘Federal L and Assistance, M anagement, and E nhancement Act of 20 0 9 ’’ or ‘‘FLAME Act of 2009’’. SEC. 50 2 . F L AM E W IL D FIRE S UP PRESSIO N RESER V E FUNDS. ( a )DEFIN I T I O N S .—In this section

( 1 )FE D E RAL LAND.—The term ‘‘Federal land’’ means— (A) public land, as defined in section 10 3 of the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 19 76 ( 4 3 U .S.C. 1702); ( B ) units of the National Park System; (C) refuges of the National W ildlife Refuge System; (D) land held in trust by the United States for the benefit of Indian tribes or members of an Indian tribe; and (E) land in the National Forest System, as defined in section 11(a) of the Forest and Rangeland Rene w able Resources Planning Act of 1974 (16 U.S.C. 1609(a)). (2) FLAME F U ND.—The term ‘‘FLAME Fund’’ means a FLAME Wildfire Suppression Reserve Fund established by sub- section (b). (3) RELE V ANT C ON G RESSIONAL CO M MITTEES.—The term ‘‘rel- evant congressional committees’’ means the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Natural Resources, and the Committee on Agriculture of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Appropriations, the Committee on Energy and Natural Resources, and the Committee on Indian Affairs of the Senate. (4) SECRETAR Y CONCERNED.—The term ‘‘Secretary con- cerned’’ means— (A) the Secretary of the Interior, with respect to— (i) Federal land described in subparagraphs (A), (B), (C), and (D) of paragraph (1); and (ii) the FLAME Fund established for the Depart- ment of the Interior; and (B) the Secretary of Agriculture, with respect to— (i) National Forest System land; and (ii) the FLAME Fund established for the Depart- ment of the Agriculture. 43USC17 4 8a. 43 USC 17 0 1 note . F e d e r a lL and As s i stan c e ,M ana g e m ent, and E n h ancement Act o f2 00 9 .