Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3157

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123STA T . 313 7PUBLIC LA W 111 – 117 —DE C.1 6, 2 0 0 9Act, t oremain a v ai l a b le u ntil e xp en d ed


d, Th at not w ith -s tandin g section 205 o f this Act, upon a determination b y the Attorney G eneral that emergent circumstances re q uire additional funding for such disability and education payments, the Attorney General may transfer such amounts to ‘ ‘ P ublic S afety O fficer B ene- fits ’ ’ from available appropriations for the current fiscal year for the D epartment of J ustice as may be necessary to respond to such circumstances: Provided fu r th er, That any transfer pursuant to the previous proviso shall be treated as a reprogramming under section 505 of this Act and shall not be available for obligation or expenditure except in compliance with the procedures set forth in that section .COM M UNITY O R I E NTE D PO L I C IN G SER V ICE S( INCLUDING TR A NS F ERS OF FUNDS )F or activities authori z ed by the V iolent Crime Control and L aw E nforcement Act of 19 9 4( Public Law 10 3– 322 ); the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 19 68 (‘‘the 1968 Act’’); the Violence Against W omen and Department of Justice R eauthoriza- tion Act of 2005 (Public Law 109–162); subtitle D of title I Iof the H omeland Security Act of 2002 (Public Law 10 7 –296), which may include research and development; and the U SA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 (Public Law 109– 177); the N ICS Improvement Amendments Act of 2007 (Public Law 110–180); the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006 (Public Law 109–248) (the ‘‘Adam Walsh Act’’); and the Justice for All Act of 2004 (Public Law 108–405), $ 791,608,000, to remain available until expended: Provided, That any balances made available through prior year deobligations shall only be avail- able in accordance with section 505 of this Act. Of the amount provided (which shall be by transfer, for programs administered by the Office of Justice Programs) — (1) $30,000,000 for the matching grant program for law enforcement armor vests, as authorized by section 2501 of title I of the 1968 Act: Provided, That $1,500,000 is for related research, testing, and evaluation programs; (2) $40,385,000 for grants to entities described in section 1701 of title I of the 1968 Act, to address public safety and methamphetamine manufacturing, sale, and use in hot spots as authorized by section 754 of Public Law 109–177, and for other anti-methamphetamine-related activities: Provided , That within the amounts appropriated $25,385,000 shall be used for the pro j ects, and in the amounts, specified in the explana- tory statement accompanying this Act: Provided further, That within the amounts appropriated $10,000,000 shall be trans- ferred to the Drug Enforcement Administration upon enactment of this Act: Provided further, That within the amounts appro- priated $5,000,000 is for anti-methamphetamine-related activi- ties in Indian Country; (3) $170,223,000 for a law enforcement technologies and interoperable communications program, and related law enforcement and public safety equipment: Provided, That within the amounts appropriated, $168,723,000 shall be used for the projects, and in the amounts, specified in the explana- tory statement accompanying this Act: Provided further, That