Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3207

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123STA T . 31 87PUBLIC LA W 111 – 117 —DE C.1 6, 2 0 0 9GEN E RALS ER VIC E SADM INIS T RATI O N REAL P ROPERT Y ACTIVITIES F EDERAL BU ILDIN G S FUND LIMITATIONS ON AVAILABILITY OF REVENUE Foran a d d it iona l a m o u nt to be de p o s ited in t h e Federal B uildin g s Fund ,$537 , 90 0,000 . Amounts in the Fund, in c luding re v enues and collections deposited into the Fund shall be available f or necessar y e x penses of real property management and related activities not other w ise provided for, including operation, mainte - nance, and protection of federally owned and leased buildings

rental of buildings in the D istrict of C olumbia; restoration of leased prem- ises; moving governmental agencies ( including space ad j ustments and telecommunications relocation expenses ) in connection with the assignment, allocation and transfer of space; contractual serv- ices incident to cleaning or servicing buildings, and moving; repair and alteration of federally owned buildings including grounds, approaches and appurtenances; care and safeguarding of sites; maintenance, preservation, demolition, and e q uipment; acquisition of buildings and sites by purchase, condemnation, or as otherwise authori z ed by law; acquisition of options to purchase buildings and sites; conversion and extension of federally owned buildings; preliminary planning and design of projects by contract or other- wise; construction of new buildings (including equipment for such buildings); and payment of principal, interest, and any other obliga- tions for public buildings acquired by installment purchase and purchase contract; in the aggregate amount of $ 8 ,5 4 3,585,000, of which

( 1 ) $894,037,000 shall remain available until expended for construction and acquisition (including funds for sites and expenses and associated design and construction services) of additional projects at the following locations: N ew Construction: Alabama: M obile, U nited States Courthouse, $50,000,000. California: Calexico, Calexico W est, L and P ort of E ntry, $9,437,000. Colorado: La k ewood, Denver Federal Center R emediation, $9,9 62 ,000. District of Columbia: Columbia Plaza, $100,000,000. Southeast Federal Center Remediation, $15,000,000. Florida: Miami, Federal Bureau of I nvestigation Field O ffice Consolidation, $190,675,000. Georgia: Savannah, United States Courthouse, $7,900,000. Maine: Madawaska, Land Port of Entry, $50,127,000. Maryland: White Oak, Food and Drug Administration Consolida- tion, $137,871,000. Greenbelt, United States Courthouse, $10,000,000.