Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3211

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123STA T . 31 9 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C.1 6, 2 0 09 remain in th e Fu n d and s ha l ln o t b ea v ailable f ore xp enditure ex c ept as authori z ed in appropriations A cts .ADMIN I STR ATI VEP R O VISIONS —G ENERA L SERVI C ES ADMINISTRATION ( INCL U DING TRANS F ERS OF FUNDS )S EC. 510 . Funds available to the G eneral Services Administra - tion shall be available for the hire of passen g er motor vehicles. SEC. 511. Funds in the Federal B uildings Fund made available for fiscal y ear 2 010 for Federal Buildings Fund activities may be transferred bet w een such activities only to the extent necessary to meet program re q uirements


d ,T hat any proposed trans- fers shall be approved in advance by the C ommittees on Appropria- tions of the H ouse of R epresentatives and the Senate. SEC. 512. E xcept as otherwise provided in this title, funds made available by this Act shall be used to transmit a fiscal year 2011 request for U nited States Courthouse construction only if the request: ( 1 ) meets the design guide standards for construction as established and approved by the General Services Administra- tion, the J udicial Conference of the United States, and the O ffice of M anagement and Budget

(2) reflects the priorities of the Judicial Conference of the United States as set out in its approved 5- year construction plan; and ( 3 ) includes a standardized courtroom utilization study of each facility to be constructed, replaced, or expanded. SEC. 513. N one of the funds provided in this Act may be used to increase the amount of occupiable square feet, provide cleaning services, security enhancements, or any other service usu- ally provided through the Federal Buildings Fund, to any agency that does not pay the rate per square foot assessment for space and services as determined by the General Services Administration in compliance with the P ublic Buildings Amendments Act of 1 97 2 (Public L aw 92 – 313). SEC. 51 4 . From funds made available under the heading ‘ ‘Fed- eral Buildings Fund, Limitations on Availability of Revenue ’ ’, claims against the Government of less than $ 250,000 arising from direct construction pro j ects and acquisition of buildings may be liquidated from savings effected in other construction projects with prior notification to the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate. SEC. 515. I n any case in which the Committee on Transpor- tation and Infrastructure of the House of Representatives and the Committee on Environment and Public W or k s of the Senate adopt a resolution granting lease authority pursuant to a prospectus transmitted to Congress by the Administrator of the General Serv- ices Administration under 40 U.S.C. 3307, the Administrator shall ensure that the delineated area of procurement is identical to the delineated area included in the prospectus for all lease agree- ments, except that, if the Administrator determines that the delin- eated area of the procurement should not be identical to the delin- eated area included in the prospectus, the Administrator shall provide an explanatory statement to each of such committees and the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representatives and the Senate prior to exercising any lease authority provided in the resolution. Contrac t s.Expl anator y stat em ent. Adv anced approval.