Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3289

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123STA T . 32 69PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C. 16 , 2 0 09 otherp ro g r am re qui reme n t s simi l ar to those spe c i f ie d in section 51 5ofthe F ederal M ine S afet y and H ealth A ct as are necessary to implement such a program


d fu r th er ,T hat such scholar - ship funds may b e used to replace a student ’ se x pected family contribution , but institutions accepting such scholarship funds may not use these funds to supplant existing institutional aid: Provided further, That the Secretary shall be authori z ed to accept contribu- tions for such scholarships from pri v ate sources: Provided further, That these funds shall be used for scholarships for academic year 20 10 – 2011 and may be available for scholarships in academic year 2011–2012: Provided further, That $ 101,50 7 ,000 shall be used for the pro j ects, and in the amounts, specified under the heading ‘ ‘Higher E ducation’’ in the statement of the managers on the con- ference report accompanying this Act: p rovided further, That $17,750,000 shall be used for the programs specified under the ‘‘Fund for the I mprovement of P ost Secondary Education’’ in the statement of the managers in accordance w ith the specified sections . H OWARDUNIVE R S I TY For partial support of Howard University, $2 34 , 9 77,000, of which not less than $3, 6 00,000 shall be for a matching endowment grant pursuant to the Howard University Endowment Act and shall remain available until expended. C O L LE G EHO U SING AND A C ADE M IC FACILITIES L OANS PROGRAM For Federal administrative expenses to carry out activities related to existing facility loans pursuant to section 121 of the Higher Education Act of 1965, $461,000. HISTORICALLY B LAC K COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY CA P ITAL FINANCING PROGRAM ACCOUNT For the cost of guaranteed loans, $20,22 8 ,000, as authorized pursuant to part D of title III of the Higher Education Act of 1965 ( ‘‘HEA’’ )

Provided, That such costs, including the cost of

modifying such loans, shall be as defined in section 502 of the Congressional Budget Act of 1974: Provided further, That these funds are available to subsidize total loan principal, any part of which is to be guaranteed, not to exceed $178,221,000. In addition, for administrative expenses to carry out the Histori- cally Blac k College and University Capital Financing Program entered into pursuant to part D of title III of the HEA, $354,000. INSTITUTE O F EDUCATION SCIENCES For carrying out activities authorized by the Education Sciences R eform Act of 2002, the N ational Assessment of Educational Progress Authorization Act, section 208 of the Educational Technical Assistance Act of 2002, and section 664 of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, $659,006,000, of which $588,356,000 shall be available through September 30, 2011: Provided, That funds available to carry out section 208 of the Educational Technical Assistance Act may be used for Statewide data systems that include postsecondary and workforce information and information on chil- dren of all ages: Provided further, That up to $10,000,000 of the funds available to carry out section 208 of the Educational Technical