123STA T . 33 64PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C. 16 , 2 0 0 9holdersint he T r af fi ck in g in P ersons ann u al re p ort w here a final ci v il j udg m ent has b een issued ( and the time period for final appeal has e x pired ) or the D epartment of J ustice has determined that the U nited S tates G overnment would seek to indict the diplomat or a famil y member but for diplomatic immunity . (t) INTER N A T IO NA L TRI BU NAL F OR Y U G O S LA V IA. — Section 1342 (c)(3) of the N ational Defense A uthori z ation Act for F iscal Year 1 9 9 6 (Public L aw1 0 4 – 106) is amended by adding ‘ ‘ , as amended ’ ’ after ‘‘signed at The H ague, O ctober 5 , 1994’’. ARAB LEAGUE BO YC OTT OF ISRAEL SEC. 7 035. It is the sense of the C ongress that— (1) the Arab League boycott of Israel, and the secondary boycott of American firms that have commercial ties with Israel, is an impediment to peace in the region and to United States investment and trade in the M iddle E ast and North Africa
(2) the Arab League boycott, which was regrettably reinstated in 1997, should be immediately and publicly termi - nated, and the Central Office for the B oycott of Israel imme- diately disbanded; (3) all Arab League states should normalize relations with their neighbor Israel; (4) the President and the Secretary of State should continue to vigorously oppose the Arab League boycott of Israel and find concrete steps to demonstrate that opposition by, for example, taking into consideration the participation of any recipient country in the boycott when determining to sell weapons to said country; and (5) the President should report to Congress annually on specific steps being taken by the United States to encourage Arab League states to normalize their relations with Israel to bring about the termination of the Arab League boycott of Israel, including those to encourage allies and trading part- ners of the United States to enact laws prohibiting businesses from complying with the boycott and penalizing businesses that do comply. P ALESTINIAN STATE H OO D SEC. 7036. (a) LI M ITATION ON ASSISTANCE.—None of the funds appropriated under titles III through V I of this Act may be provided to support a Palestinian state unless the Secretary of State deter- mines and certifies to the appropriate congressional committees that— (1) the governing entity of a new Palestinian state— (A) has demonstrated a firm commitment to peaceful co-existence with the State of Israel; (B) is taking appropriate measures to counter terrorism and terrorist financing in the W est Bank and Gaza, including the dismantling of terrorist infrastructures, and is cooperating with appropriate Israeli and other appro- priate security organizations; and (2) the Palestinian Authority (or the governing entity of a new Palestinian state) is working with other countries in the region to vigorously pursue efforts to establish a just, lasting, and comprehensive peace in the Middle East that will enable Israel and an independent Palestinian state to exist Det e rmina ti o n .C erti f i c ation. 18US C 3 181 note.