Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3406

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123STA T . 33 86PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 7—DE C. 16 , 2 0 0 9provides s uch de t er m i na tion in w ritin g to the C ommittees on A ppropriations

and (B) su b mits a report to such Committees on the t y pes and amounts o fU nited S tates training and e q uipment provided to the E thiopian mi l itary including steps being ta k en to ensure that such assistance is not provided to Ethiopian military units or personnel with records of viola - tions of internationally recogni z ed human rights . ( 2 ) T he restriction in paragraph ( 1 ) shall not apply to assistance to support the deployment of members of the Ethio- pian military in international peacekeeping operations. (d) RWAND A. — (1) N one of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ‘ ‘ F oreign M ilitary Financing P rogram ’ ’ may be made available for assistance for Rwanda if the Secretary of State has credible evidence that the G overnment of Rwanda is pro- viding political , military or financial support to armed groups in the D emocratic Republic of the Congo that have committed violations of internationally recognized human rights, including rape. (2) The restriction in paragraph (1) shall not apply to assistance to improve border controls to prevent the importation of minerals into Rwanda by such groups, or to support the deployment of members of the Rwandan military in inter- national peacekeeping operations. (e) NA TUR A L R ESO UR C E TRANS P ARENC Y .—Funds appropriated by this Act that are available for assistance for L iberia, Sierra Leone, Nigeria, Co ˆ te d’ I voire, and the countries participating in the Congo Basin Forest Partnership shall be made available to promote and support transparency and accountability in relation tothee x traction of timber, oil and gas, cacao and other natural resources, including by strengthening implementation and moni- toring of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative and the K imberley Process Certification Scheme. (f) SUDAN L IM ITATION ON ASSISTANCE.— (1) Sub j ect to subsection (2)

(A) Notwithstanding any other provision of law, none of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made avail- able for assistance for the Government of Sudan. (B) None of the funds appropriated by this Act may be made available for the cost, as defined in section 50 2, of the Congressional Budget Act of 1 974 , of modifying loans and loan guarantees held by the Government of Sudan, including the cost of selling, reducing, or canceling amounts owed to the United States, and modifying concessional loans, guarantees, and credit agreements. (2) Subsection (f)(1) shall not apply if the Secretary of State determines and certifies to the Committees on Appropria- tions that: (A) The Government of Sudan honors its pledges to cease attacks upon civilians and disarms and demobilizes the J anjaweed and other government-supported militias; (B) The Government of Sudan and all government- supported militia groups are honoring their commitments made in all previous cease-fire agreements; and (C) The Government of Sudan is allowing unimpeded access to Darfur to humanitarian aid organizations, the Det e rmina ti o n .C erti f i c ation. R e p ort s .