Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3481

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123STA T . 3 46 1 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 11 8—DE C.1 9, 2 0 09 AFGHANIST AN SECUR IT YFO RCES FUN D F orthe‘ ‘A fg h anis tan Se cu rit y Forces Fun d’ ’ ,$6 , 5 6 2 , 7 6 9 , 0 00, to re m ain a v ai l a b le until Se p tember 3 0, 20 1 1


d, T hat such funds shall be available to the Secretary of D efense, not w ith - standing any other provision of law, for the purpose of allowing the C ommander, Combined Security Transition Command — Afghanistan, or the Secretary’s designee, to provide assistance, with the concurrence of the Secretary of State, to the security forces of Afghanistan, including the provision of e q uipment, sup- plies, services, training, facility and infrastructure repair, renova- tion, and construction, and funding: Provided fu r th er, That the authority to provide assistance under this heading is in addition to any other authority to provide assistance to foreign nations: Provided further, That contributions of funds for the purposes pro- vided herein from any person, foreign government, or international organi z ation may be credited to this Fund and used for such pur- poses: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall notify the congressional defense committees in writing upon the receipt and upon the obligation of any contribution, delineating the sources and amounts of the funds received and the specific use of such contributions: Provided further, That the Secretary of Defense shall, not fewer than 15 days prior to obligating from this appropriation account, notify the congressional defense committees in writing of the details of any such obligation .PRO C U R EM E N T AIRCRAFT PROCURE M ENT, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘Aircraft Procurement, Army’’, $1,23 8 ,219,000, to remain available until September 30, 2012. MISSI L E PROCUREMENT, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘Missile Procurement, Army’’, $ 4 75,954,000, to remain available until September 30, 2012. PROCUREMENT OF W EA P ONS AND TRAC K ED COM B AT V EHICLES, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘Procurement of Weapons and Trac k ed Combat Vehicles, Army’’, $1,169,466,000, to remain avail- able until September 30, 2012. PROCUREMENT OF AMMUNITION, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘Procurement of Ammunition, Army’’, $365,635,000, to remain available until September 30, 2012. OTHER PROCUREMENT, ARMY For an additional amount for ‘‘Other Procurement, Army’’, $5,800,516,000, to remain available until September 30, 2012. AIRCRAFT PROCUREMENT, NA V Y For an additional amount for ‘‘Aircraft Procurement, Navy’’, $853,297,000, to remain available until September 30, 2012. Deadlin e .Not i f i c ation. Notification.