Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/3661

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123STA T . 3 64 1 PROCL A M AT I O N8 3 7 3 — MA Y 6 , 2 0 0 9WorldT r a d e Wee kis a n o p por tu nit y to rea f fir m t h e b enefits of trade and to emphasi z e A meri c a ’ s commitment to a g lobal marketplace that creates good j obs and lifts up American families . The U nited S tates and our trading partners stand to gain w hen trade is open , transparent, rules - based, and fair, showing respect for labor and en v ironmental standards. The United States is well-positioned to reap the benefits of trade. America is a leader in the global marketplace and ranks at the top of almost every measure of global competitiveness. O ur businesses, work- ers, and farmers remain the most innovative, productive, and adaptable in the world. The United States is also the world’s largest e x porter. Trade is a significant and increasingly important contributor to U.S. economic growth. E xports accounted for 13 percent of U.S. economic activity in 20 0 8 , and they support millions of jobs in the United States. I n difficult economic times, it is even more important for American in- dustry to take advantage of every opportunity for export-driven growth. That is why I will work to open more markets to U.S. exports, includ- ing in such important job growth industries as energy efficiency, clean energy, and health information technology. Imports can also benefit the United States by increasing consumer choice while lowering prices for millions of working families. In addi- tion, imports can support employment for retailers, distributors, the transportation sector, and domestic manufacturers which rely on global supply chains to make products for both the U.S. and international markets. We must ensure that the benefits of trade are spread more widely. This can be achieved by training and supporting Americans and ensuring that trade agreements provide the economic opportunities that Ameri- cans deserve. Workers who lose their jobs through no fault of their own deserve the chance to be retrained for a new economic environ- ment. That is one of the reasons I signed the American R ecovery and Reinvestment Act of 200 9( ARRA ) , which improves Trade Adjustment Assistance to help families that are struggling now. F or the long term, the ARRA also invests in an education system that will prepare our children to compete and succeed in the global economy. We will negotiate future trade agreements to create opportunities for all Americans. M y Administration is committed to building on existing trade agreements and bilateral investment treaties in an open and transparent manner. In consultation with the American people, the C ongress, key stakeholders, and our trading partners, I am developing a plan of action for pending free trade agreements. I will also work with our trading partners to advance a strong market-opening agree- ment for agriculture, industrial goods, and services through the D oha Development Round and through other negotiations. Together, we can build a trading regime that spreads its benefits among Americans and also benefits workers in our partner countries. Transparency and inclusiveness are central principles we must adhere to as we seek to expand trade. When trade agreements are negotiated in consultation with the American people, the benefits of trade can be understood more broadly. Through open dialogue, the concerns of American and foreign workers can be addressed and the environmental conse q uences of trade agreements can be identified and mitigated.