Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/479

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123STA T .459PUBLIC LA W 111 – 5 —FE B.1 7, 2 0 09 U.S . C . 30 0 b b -6(4) ) ,orsecti o n89 0 5a ( f )( 2 )( A )oftit l e5, Unite d States Code, w it h res p ect to indi v id u als who, durin g the period described in paragraph (3)(A), beco m e entitled to elect C OBR A continuation coverage, the re q uirements of such sections shall not be treated as met unless such notices include an additional notification to the recipient of — ( I ) the availabilit y of premium reduction with respect to such coverage under this subsection, and (II) the option to enroll in different coverage if the employer permits assistance eligible individ- uals to elect enrollment in different coverage (as described in paragraph ( 1 )(B)). (ii) A LTERNA T IV EN O TI C E.—In the case of COBRA continuation coverage to which the notice provision under such sections does not apply, the Secretary of L abor, in consultation with the Secretary of the T reasury and the Secretary of H ealth and Human Services, shall, in consultation with administrators of the group health plans (or other entities) that provide or administer the COBRA continuation coverage involved, provide rules requiring the provision of such notice. (iii) F OR M .—The requirement of the additional notification under this subparagraph may be met by amendment of e x isting notice forms or by inclusion of a separate document with the notice otherwise required. (B) S P ECI F IC RE QU IREMENT S .— E ach additional notifica- tion under subparagraph (A) shall include— (i) the forms necessary for establishing eligibility for premium reduction under this subsection, (ii) the name, address, and telephone number nec- essary to contact the plan administrator and any other person maintaining relevant information in connection with such premium reduction, (iii) a description of the extended election period provided for in paragraph (4)(A), (iv) a description of the obligation of the qualified beneficiary under paragraph (2)(C) to notify the plan providing continuation coverage of eligibility for subse- quent coverage under another group health plan or eligibility for benefits under title XV III of the Social Security Act and the penalty provided under section 6 7 20C of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986 for failure to so notify the plan, (v) a description, displayed in a prominent manner, of the qualified beneficiary ’ s right to a reduced pre- mium and any conditions on entitlement to the reduced premium, and (vi) a description of the option of the qualified beneficiary to enroll in different coverage if the employer permits such beneficiary to elect to enroll in such different coverage under paragraph (1)(B). (C) N OTICE IN CONNECTION W IT H E X TEN D ED ELECTION PERIODS.—In the case of any assistance eligible individual Deadlin e .R e gu la t i o n s .