Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/727

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123STA T .70 7 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 200 9the t o t alc o s tso f s u ch pr o j ects a nd the F ederal share of im plementa - tion g rants shall not e x ceed 50 percent of the total costs of such projects


d fu r th er ,T hat the non-Federal share of such projects ma y not b e deri v ed from Federal grant programs: Provided further , That no S tate, territory, or other jurisdiction shall receive a grant if its comprehensive w ildlife conservation plan is dis- approved and such funds that would have been distributed to such State, territory, or other jurisdiction shall be distributed e q uitably to States, territories, and other jurisdictions with approved plans: Provided further, That any amount apportioned in 2 00 9 to any State, territory, or other jurisdiction that remains unobligated as of September 3 0, 20 1 0, shall be reapportioned, together with funds appropriated in 2011, in the manner provided herein .WILD LI FECONS E RVAT ION AND A P PRECIATION F U ND ( RESCISSION )O f the unobligated balances available under this heading from prior year appropriations, all remaining amounts are permanently rescinded. AD M INISTRATIVE PROVISIONS A ppropriations and funds available to the U nited States Fish and W ildlife Service shall be available for repair of damage to public roads within and adjacent to reservation areas caused by operations of the Service

options for the purchase of land at not to exceed $ 1 for each option; facilities incident to such public rec- reational uses on conservation areas as are consistent with their primary purpose; and the maintenance and improvement of aquaria, buildings, and other facilities under the jurisdiction of the Service and to which the United States has title, and which are used pursuant to law in connection with management, and investigation of fish and wildlife resources: Provided, That notwithstanding 4 4 U.S. C . 501, the Service may, under cooperative cost sharing and partnership arrangements authori z ed by law, procure printing serv- ices from cooperators in connection with jointly produced publica- tions for which the cooperators share at least one-half the cost of printing either in cash or services and the Service determines the cooperator is capable of meeting accepted quality standards: Provided further, That, notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Service may use up to $2,000,000 from funds provided for contracts for employment-related legal services: Provided further, That the Service may accept donated aircraft as replacements for existing aircraft. N ATIONAL P AR K SERVICE OPERATION OF T H E NATIONAL PARK S Y STEM For expenses necessary for the management, operation, and maintenance of areas and facilities administered by the National Par k Service ( including expenses to carry out programs of the United States Park Police ) , and for the general administration of the National Park Service, $2,131,529,000, of which $9, 8 51,000 for planning and interagency coordination in support of E verglades restoration and $99,58 6 ,000 for maintenance, repair or rehabilita- tion projects for constructed assets, operation of the National Park