Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/750

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123STA T .7 3 0PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 200 9bylaw; a ndof w hic h $49, 44 5 , 0 00i st ob e de r i v ed fro m the L and and W ater C onservation Fu nd .NATIO NA LF O RES TS Y STE M( IN C L UD IN G RESCISSION OF FUNDS ) For necessary e xp enses of the Forest S ervice, not otherwise provided for, for mana g ement, protection, improvement, and utili z a - tion of the N ational Forest System, $ 1 ,514, 8 05,000, to remain avail- able until expended, which shall include 50 percent of all moneys received during prior fiscal years as fees collected under the Land and Water Conservation Fund A ctof19 6 5, as amended, in accord- ance with section 4 of the Act ( 16 U .S.C. 460l – 6a(i ) )


d ,T hat of the unobligated balances in this account, $5,000,000 are rescinded. CA P ITAL IMPRO V EMENT AND MAINTENANCE (INCLUDING TRANSFER OF FUNDS) For necessary expenses of the Forest Service, not otherwise provided for, $495, 3 93,000, to remain available until expended, for construction, capital improvement, maintenance and ac q uisition of buildings and other facilities and infrastructure; and for construc- tion, capital improvement, decommissioning, and maintenance of forest roads and trails by the Forest Service as authorized by 16 U.S.C. 53 2 –538 and 23 U.S.C. 101 and 205: Provided, That $50,000,000 shall be designated for urgently needed road decommis- sioning, road and trail repair and maintenance and associated activities, and removal of fish passage barriers, especially in areas where Forest Service roads may be contributing to water quality problems in streams and water bodies which support threatened, endangered or sensitive species or community water sources: Pro - vided fu r th er, That up to $40,000,000 of the funds provided herein for road maintenance shall be available for the decommissioning of roads, including unauthorized roads not part of the transportation system, which are no longer needed: Provided further, That no funds shall be expended to decommission any system road until notice and an opportunity for public comment has been provided on each decommissioning pro j ect: Provided further, That the decommissioning of unauthorized roads not part of the official transportation system shall be expedited in response to threats to public safety, water quality, or natural resources: Provided fur- ther, That funds becoming available in fiscal year 2009 under the Act of M arch 4, 1913 (16 U.S.C. 501) shall be transferred to the G eneral Fund of the Treasury and shall not be available for transfer or obligation for any other purpose unless the funds are appro- priated. LAND AC Q UISITION For expenses necessary to carry out the provisions of the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, as amended (16 U.S.C. 460l–4 through 11), including administrative expenses, and for acquisition of land or waters, or interest therein, in accordance with statutory authority applicable to the Forest Service, $49, 7 75,000, to be derived from the Land and Water Conservation Fund and to remain available until expended. Roads.N o tice . Publ ic co m me n t.