Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/76

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123STA T .56PUBLIC LA W 111 – 3 —FE B. 4, 2 0 0 9formsand s up p le men t al forms (i fan y) and information v erifi c ation process is t h e same for purposes of esta b lishin g and rene w ing eligibility for children and pregnant women for medical assistance under title XI X and child health assistance under this title , and such process does not re q uire an application to be made in person or a face - to-face interview .’ ’. SEC.213 . MOD E L O FINT E R ST A TE COORDINATED ENROLLMENT AND CO V ERA G E P ROCESS. (a) I NGE NE RAL . — In order to assure continuity of coverage of low-income children under the M edicaid program and the S tate C hildren’s H ealth Insurance P rogram (CHIP), not later than 18 months after the date of the enactment of this A ct, the Secretary of Health and Human Services, in consultation with State Medicaid and CHIP directors and organi z ations representing program bene- ficiaries, shall develop a model process for the coordination of the enrollment, retention, and coverage under such programs of children who, because of migration of families, emergency evacuations, nat- ural or other disasters, public health emergencies, educational needs, or otherwise, frequently change their State of residency or otherwise are temporarily located outside of the State of their residency. (b) R E PO R T TO CON G RE S S.—After development of such model process, the Secretary of Health and Human Services shall submit to Congress a report describing additional steps or authority needed to ma k e further improvements to coordinate the enrollment, reten- tion, and coverage under CHIP and Medicaid of children described in subsection (a). SEC. 21 4 . PERMITTING STATES TO ENS U RE COVERAGE W IT H OUT A 5-Y EAR DELAY OF CERTAIN CHILDREN AND PREGNANT WOMEN UNDER THE MEDICAID PROGRAM AND CHIP. (a) ME DIC AID PROGRA M .—Section 1 903 (v) ( 42U .S.C. 139 6 b(v)) is amended— (1) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘ ‘paragraph (2)’’ and inserting ‘‘paragraphs (2) and (4)’’

and (2) by adding at the end the following new paragraph

‘‘(4)(A) A State may elect (in a plan amendment under this title) to provide medical assistance under this title, notwithstanding sections 401(a), 402(b), 403, and 421 of the Personal Responsibility and W ork O pportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, to children and pregnant women who are lawfully residing in the United States (including battered individuals described in section 431(c) of such Act) and who are otherwise eligible for such assistance, within either or both of the following eligibility categories: ‘‘(i) PREGNANT W OMEN.—Women during pregnancy (and during the 60-day period beginning on the last day of the pregnancy). ‘‘(ii) C H ILDREN.—Individuals under 21 years of age, including optional targeted low-income children described in section 190 5 (u)(2)( B ). ‘‘(B) In the case of a State that has elected to provide medical assistance to a category of aliens under subparagraph (A), no debt shall accrue under an affidavit of support against any sponsor of such an alien on the basis of provision of assistance to such category and the cost of such assistance shall not be considered as an unreimbursed cost. Deadlin e .42USC1396 n ot e.