Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/775

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123STA T .75 5 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 0 9EMPLOYE E B E N E FITSS E CUR ITY AD MINISTR A TION SALARIES AND E X PENSES Fornec e s s a r y e xp enses f or th eE m p l oyee Benef i ts Sec u rity A d ministration ,$143 ,41 9 , 0 00 .P ENSION BENEFIT G UARANTY C ORPORATION PENSION B ENEFIT G UARANTY CORPORATION FUND T he Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation (‘ ‘Corporation ’ ’ ) is authori z edtoma k e such expenditures, includin g financial assist - ance authorized b y subtitle E of title IV of the Employee R etirement Income Security Act of 19 7 4, w ithin limits of funds and borrowing authority a v ailable to the Corporation, and in accord with law, and to make such contracts and commitments without regard to fiscal year limitations as provided by 31 U .S.C. 9104 as may be necessary in carrying out the program, including associated administrative expenses, through September 30, 2 009, for the Cor- poration


d, That none of the funds available to the Corpora- tion for fiscal year 2009 shall be available for obligations for administrative expenses in excess of $444,722,000: Provided fu r th er, That to the extent that the number of new plan participants in plans terminated by the Corporation exceeds 100,000 in fiscal year 2009, an amount not to exceed an additional $9,200,000 shall be available for obligation for administrative expenses for every 20,000 additional terminated participants: Provided further, That an addi- tional $ 5 0,000 shall be made available for obligation for investment management fees for every $25,000,000 in assets received by the Corporation as a result of new plan terminations or asset growth, after approval by the O ffice of M anagement and Budget and notification of the Committees on Appropriations of the H ouse of Representatives and the Senate: Provided further , That obligations in excess of the amounts provided in this paragraph may be incurred for unforeseen and extraordinary pre-termination expenses after approval by the Office of Management and Budget and notification of the Committees on Appropriations of the House of Representa- tives and the Senate. EMPLOYMENT STANDARDS ADMINISTRATION SALARIES AND EXPENSES ( INCLUDING RESCISSION ) For necessary expenses for the Employment Standards Administration, including reimbursement to State, Federal, and local agencies and their employees for inspection services rendered, $43 8 ,1 6 6,000, together with $2,101,000 which may be expended from the Special Fund in accordance with sections 39(c), 44(d), and 44( j ) of the L ongshore and Harbor W orkers’ Compensation Act: Provided, That the Secretary of Labor is authorized to establish and, in accordance with 31 U.S.C 3302, collect and deposit in the Treasury fees for processing applications and issuing certificates under sections 11(d) and 14 of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 and for processing applications and issuing registrations under Fe e s.Notif i ca tio n . Notification.