Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/819

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123STA T .79 9 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 09 onamut ua l, non pr o fi t b a s is an d atl e ast 95 per c entoft h e w ater stored or supplied thereb y is used for farmin g purposes .NATION A LMED IATION B OA R D S ALARIES AND E XP ENSES F ore x penses necessary to carry out the pro v isions of the R ail - way L abor A ct, including emergency boards appointed by the P resi- dent, $12 ,992, 0 00. OC C U PATIONAL S A F ET Y AND H EALT H RE V IE WC O M MISSION SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission, $11,1 86 ,000. RAILROAD RETIREMENT BOARD DUAL B ENEFITS PAYMENTS ACCOUNT For payment to the D ual Benefits Payments Account, author- i z ed under section 15 ( d ) of the Railroad Retirement Act of 19 74 , $72,000,000, which shall include amounts becoming available in fiscal year 2009 pursuant to section 224(c)(1)(B) of Public Law 98 – 76

and in addition, an amount, not to exceed 2 percent of the amount provided herein, shall be available proportional to the amount by which the product of recipients and the average benefit received exceeds the amount available for payment of vested dual benefits


d, T hat the total amount provided herein shall be credited in 12 approximately e q ual amounts on the first day of each month in the fiscal year. FEDERAL PAYMENTS TO THE RAILROAD RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS For payment to the accounts established in the Treasury for the payment of benefits under the Railroad Retirement Act for interest earned on unnegotiated chec k s, $150,000, to remain avail- able through September 3 0, 2010, which shall be the maximum amount available for payment pursuant to section 417 of Public Law 98–76. LIMITATION ON ADMINISTRATION For necessary expenses for the Railroad Retirement Board ( ‘ ‘Board ’ ’) for administration of the Railroad Retirement Act and the Railroad U nemployment I nsurance Act, $105,463,000, to be derived in such amounts as determined by the Board from the railroad retirement accounts and from moneys credited to the rail- road unemployment insurance administration fund. LIMITATION ON THE OFFICE OF INSPECTOR G ENERAL For expenses necessary for the Office of Inspector G eneral (‘‘Office’’) for audit, investigatory and review activities, as authorized by the Inspector General Act of 1978, not more than $7,806,000, to be derived from the railroad retirement accounts and railroad unemployment insurance account: Provided , That none of the funds