Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/928

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123STA T .908PUBLIC LA W 111 – 8 —M A R .11 , 2009 UZBEKISTANS E C.70 7 6 . (a)Funds a p p ro pr i a te d by t h is Ac t m ay be made a v ai l able f or assistance for the central G overnment of Uz be k istan only if the Secretary of State determines and reports to the C ommit - tees on Appropriations that the Government of Uzbekistan is makin g substantial and continuing progress — ( 1 ) in meeting its commitments under the ‘ ‘ D eclaration on the Strategic P artnership and Cooperation Frame w ork B etween the R epublic of Uzbekistan and the United States of America ’ ’ , including respect for internationally recognized human rights, establishing a genuine multi-party system, and ensuring free and fair elections, freedom of e x pression, and the independence of the media

and ( 2 ) in investigating and prosecuting the individuals respon- sible for the deliberate killings of civilians in Andi j an in M ay 200 5 . (b) I f the Secretary of State has credible evidence that any current or former official of the Government of Uzbekistan was responsible for the deliberate killings of civilians in Andijan in May 2005, or for other violations of internationally recognized human rights in Uzbekistan, not later than 6 months after enact- ment of this Act any person identified by the Secretary pursuant to this subsection shall be ineligible for admission to the United States. (c) T he restriction in subsection (b) shall cease to apply if the Secretary determines and reports to the Committees on Appro- priations that the Government of Uzbekistan has taken concrete and measurable steps to improve respect for internationally recog- nized human rights, including allowing peaceful political and reli- gious expression, releasing imprisoned human rights defenders, and implementing recommendations made by the United N ations on torture. (d) The Secretary may waive the application of subsection (b) if the Secretary determines that admission to the United States is necessary to attend the United Nations or to further United States law enforcement objectives. (e) For the purpose of this section ‘‘assistance’’ shall include excess defense articles. A FGH ANISTAN SEC. 7077. O f the funds appropriated under titles III and I V of this Act, not less than $ 1,0 4 1, 9 50,000 should be made available for assistance for Afghanistan, of which not less than $100,000,000 shall be made available to support programs that directly address the needs of Afghan women and girls, including for the Afghan Independent H uman Rights Commission, the Afghan Ministry of W omen’s Affairs, and for women-led nonprofit organizations in Afghanistan. ENTE RP RISE FUN D S SEC. 707 8 . (a) Prior to the distribution of any assets resulting from any li q uidation, dissolution, or winding up of an E nterprise Fund, in whole or in part, the President shall submit to the Commit- tees on Appropriations, in accordance with the regular notification Presid e nt.No ti f i ca tion. D istri bu tion pl an. Definition. W ai v er aut h orit y . Deadline. H u m an ri g hts. Determinations. R eports.