Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/93

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123STA T .7 3 PUBLIC LA W 111 – 3 —FE B. 4, 2 0 0 9carequ a lity a nd racial , et h nic, and so cioecono m ic dis p ari - ties in child health and health care f or children .‘ ‘ (4)ENCOURAGEV O L UN T AR Y AN DS TANDARD IZ ED RE P ORTING. —N ot later than 2 years after the date of enactment of the C hildren ’ s H ealth I nsurance P ro g ram R eauthori z ation A ctof2 0 0 9 , the S ecretary, in consultation w ith States, shall de v elop a standardized format for reporting information and procedures and approaches that encourage States to use the initial core measurement set to voluntarily report information regarding the quality of pediatric health care under titles X IX and XXI. ‘‘( 5 ) ADOPTION O FB EST PRACTICES IN I M PLEMENTING Q UALITY PROGRAMS.— T he Secretary shall disseminate informa- tion to States regarding b est practices among States with respect to measuring and reporting on the quality of health care for children, and shall facilitate the adoption of such best practices. In developing best practices approaches, the Secretary shall give particular attention to State measurement techniques that ensure the timeliness and accuracy of provider reporting, encourage provider reporting compliance, encourage successful quality improvement strategies, and improve effi- ciency in data collection using health information technology. ‘‘( 6 ) REPORTS TO CONGRESS.—Not later than J anuary 1 , 2011, and every 3 years thereafter, the Secretary shall report to Congress on— ‘‘(A) the status of the Secretary’s efforts to improve— ‘‘(i) quality related to the duration and stability of health insurance coverage for children under titles XIX and XXI

‘‘(ii) the quality of children’s health care under such titles, including preventive health services, health care for acute conditions, chronic health care, and health services to ameliorate the effects of physical and mental conditions and to aid in growth and development of infants, young children, school-age chil- dren, and adolescents with special health care needs; and ‘‘(iii) the quality of children’s health care under such titles across the domains of quality, including clinical quality, health care safety, family e x perience with health care, health care in the most integrated setting, and elimination of racial, ethnic, and socio- economic disparities in health and health care; ‘‘( B ) the status of voluntary reporting by States under titles XIX and XXI, utilizing the initial core quality measurement set; and ‘‘(C) any recommendations for legislative changes needed to improve the quality of care provided to children under titles XIX and XXI, including recommendations for quality reporting by States. ‘‘( 7 ) TEC H NICAL ASSISTANCE.—The Secretary shall provide technical assistance to States to assist them in adopting and utilizing core child health quality measures in administering the State plans under titles XIX and XXI. ‘‘( 8 ) D EFINITION OF CORE SET.—In this section, the term ‘core set’ means a group of valid, reliable, and evidence-based quality measures that, ta k en together— Deadlin e .Proc ed u re s .