Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 123.djvu/949

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123STA T .9 29 PUBLIC LA W 111 –8—M A R .11 , 2 0 09 otherwis es p e c i f ie dby the a ppropriate co un ty , town, m unic - ipa l or other local g o v ernment entity, or public toll road or transit authority

or (B) each high-occupancy vehicle lane that was con- verted to a toll lane was constructed as a temporary lane to be replaced by a toll lane under a plan approved by the appropriate county, town, municipal or other local government entity, or public toll road or transit authority .SEC . 129 . (a) I nthee x planatory statement referenced in section 129 of division K of P ublic L aw 11 0– 1 6 1 (121 Stat. 2 38 8), the item relating to ‘ ‘ R oute 116 and Bay Road Intersection and Road Improvements, A mherst, M A ’ ’ in the table of pro j ects for such section 129 is deemed to be amended by inserting ‘‘, including Bi k e, Pedestrian, or O ther Off Road Paths’’ after ‘‘Improvements’’. (b) In the explanatory statement referenced in section 129 of division K of Public Law 110–161 (121 Stat. 2388), the item relating to ‘‘ H ighway 7 7 Rail G rade Separation, Marion, AR’’, in the table of projects for such section 129 is deemed to be amended by striking ‘‘Highway 77 Rail Grade Separation, Marion, AR’’ and inserting ‘‘B N S F main line overpass within the Marion, Arkansas, planning jurisdiction’’. (c) In the explanatory statement referenced in section 186 of division K of Public Law 110–161 (121 Stat. 2 4 06), in the table of projects under the heading ‘‘Federal Highway Administration — Federal-Aid Highways (Limitation on Obligations)—Federal Lands’’ in division K of such explanatory statement, the item relating to ‘‘ U .S. Forest Highway 4, W inston C ounty, Alabama’’ is deemed to be amended by striking ‘‘Highway 4’’ and inserting ‘‘Highway 9’’. (d) In the explanatory statement referenced in section 186 of division K of Public Law 110–161 (121 Stat. 2406), the item relating to ‘‘Street Improvements in Burnham, IL’’ in the table of projects under the heading ‘‘ T ransportation, Community and System Preservation Program’’ is deemed to be amended by striking ‘‘Street Improvements in Burnham, IL’’ and inserting ‘‘Repair of Side Streets and Relocation of Water Mains resulting from rerouting of traffic and reconstruction of 1 5 9th Street in Harvey, IL’’. (e) In the explanatory statement referenced in section 186 of division K of Public Law 110–161 (121 Stat. 2406), the item relating to ‘‘Street Improvements in Thornton, IL’’ in the table of projects under the heading ‘‘Transportation, Community and System Preservation Program’’ is deemed to be amended by striking ‘‘Street Improvements in Thornton, IL’’ and inserting ‘‘ E ngineering, Right-of-Way, and Construction of J oe Orr Road Extension and Main Street Project in Lynwood, IL’’. (f) Funds made available from the amount appropriated under the heading ‘‘Federal Highway Administration—Highway D em- onstration Projects’’ of title I of the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1992 (Public Law 102– 143) for the Miller Highway from 59th Street to 72nd Street, west side of Manhattan, New Y ork, and from the amount appro- priated under the heading ‘‘Federal Highway Administration—High- way Projects’’ of title I of the Department of Transportation and Related Agencies Appropriations Act, 1993 (Public Law 102–388) for design improvements on Miller Highway, New York City, New York, shall be made available for the project specified in item 4599 of section 1702 of SAFETEA–LU (Public Law 109–59), as