Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1134

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124 STAT. 1108 PUBLIC LAW 111–154—MAR. 31, 2010 products solely for public health purposes may mail cigarettes under the same requirements, restrictions, and rules and proce- dures that apply to consumer testing mailings of cigarettes by manufacturers under paragraph (5), except that the agency shall not be required to pay the recipients for participating in the consumer testing. ‘‘(c) SEIZURE AND FORFEITURE.—Any cigarettes or smokeless tobacco made nonmailable by this subsection that are deposited in the mails shall be subject to seizure and forfeiture, pursuant to the procedures set forth in chapter 46 of this title. Any tobacco products seized and forfeited under this subsection shall be destroyed or retained by the Federal Government for the detection or prosecution of crimes or related investigations and then destroyed. ‘‘(d) ADDITIONAL PENALTIES.—In addition to any other fines and penalties under this title for violations of this section, any person violating this section shall be subject to an additional civil penalty in the amount equal to 10 times the retail value of the nonmailable cigarettes or smokeless tobacco, including all Federal, State, and local taxes. ‘‘(e) CRIMINAL PENALTY.—Whoever knowingly deposits for mailing or delivery, or knowingly causes to be delivered by mail, according to the direction thereon, or at any place at which it is directed to be delivered by the person to whom it is addressed, anything that is nonmailable matter under this section shall be fined under this title, imprisoned not more than 1 year, or both. ‘‘(f) USE OF PENALTIES.—There is established a separate account in the Treasury, to be known as the ‘PACT Postal Service Fund’. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, an amount equal to 50 percent of any criminal fines, civil penalties, or other monetary penalties collected by the Federal Government in enforcing this section shall be transferred into the PACT Postal Service Fund and shall be available to the Postmaster General for the purpose of enforcing this subsection. ‘‘(g) COORDINATION OF EFFORTS.—The Postmaster General shall cooperate and coordinate efforts to enforce this section with related enforcement activities of any other Federal agency or agency of any State, local, or tribal government, whenever appropriate. ‘‘(h) ACTIONS BY STATE, LOCAL, OR TRIBAL GOVERNMENTS RELATING TO CERTAIN TOBACCO PRODUCTS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—A State, through its attorney general, or a local government or Indian tribe that levies an excise tax on tobacco products, through its chief law enforcement officer, may in a civil action in a United States district court obtain appropriate relief with respect to a violation of this section. Appropriate relief includes injunctive and equitable relief and damages equal to the amount of unpaid taxes on tobacco products mailed in violation of this section to addressees in that State, locality, or tribal land. ‘‘(2) SOVEREIGN IMMUNITY.—Nothing in this subsection shall be deemed to abrogate or constitute a waiver of any sovereign immunity of a State or local government or Indian tribe against any unconsented lawsuit under paragraph (1), or otherwise to restrict, expand, or modify any sovereign immu- nity of a State or local government or Indian tribe. ‘‘(3) ATTORNEY GENERAL REFERRAL.—A State, through its attorney general, or a local government or Indian tribe that