Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1263

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124 STAT. 1237 PUBLIC LAW 111–175—MAY 27, 2010 to the ratio of the broadcast hours of such primary transmitter retransmitted by the cable system to the total broadcast hours of the primary transmitter. ‘‘(iv) No value shall be assigned for the secondary transmission of the primary stream or any multicast streams of a primary transmitter that is a television broadcast station in any community that is within the local service area of the primary transmitter.’’; (6) by striking the sixth undesignated paragraph and inserting the following: ‘‘(6) NETWORK STATION.— ‘‘(A) TREATMENT OF PRIMARY STREAM.—The term ‘net- work station’ shall be applied to a primary stream of a television broadcast station that is owned or operated by, or affiliated with, one or more of the television networks in the United States providing nationwide transmissions, and that transmits a substantial part of the programming supplied by such networks for a substantial part of the primary stream’s typical broadcast day. ‘‘(B) TREATMENT OF MULTICAST STREAMS.—The term ‘network station’ shall be applied to a multicast stream on which a television broadcast station transmits all or substantially all of the programming of an interconnected program service that— ‘‘(i) is owned or operated by, or affiliated with, one or more of the television networks described in subparagraph (A); and ‘‘(ii) offers programming on a regular basis for 15 or more hours per week to at least 25 of the affili- ated television licensees of the interconnected program service in 10 or more States.’’; (7) by striking the seventh undesignated paragraph and inserting the following: ‘‘(7) INDEPENDENT STATION.—The term ‘independent sta- tion’ shall be applied to the primary stream or a multicast stream of a television broadcast station that is not a network station or a noncommercial educational station.’’; (8) by striking the eighth undesignated paragraph and inserting the following: ‘‘(8) NONCOMMERCIAL EDUCATIONAL STATION.—The term ‘noncommercial educational station’ shall be applied to the pri- mary stream or a multicast stream of a television broadcast station that is a noncommercial educational broadcast station as defined in section 397 of the Communications Act of 1934, as in effect on the date of the enactment of the Satellite Tele- vision Extension and Localism Act of 2010.’’; and (9) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(9) PRIMARY STREAM.—A ‘primary stream’ is— ‘‘(A) the single digital stream of programming that, before June 12, 2009, was substantially duplicating the programming transmitted by the television broadcast sta- tion as an analog signal; or ‘‘(B) if there is no stream described in subparagraph (A), then the single digital stream of programming trans- mitted by the television broadcast station for the longest period of time.