Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/1808

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124 STAT. 1782 PUBLIC LAW 111–203—JULY 21, 2010 ‘‘(B) DATA COLLECTION AND MAINTENANCE.—The Commission shall prescribe data collection and data maintenance standards for security-based swap data reposi- tories. ‘‘(C) COMPARABILITY.—The standards prescribed by the Commission under this subsection shall be comparable to the data standards imposed by the Commission on clearing agencies in connection with their clearing of security-based swaps. ‘‘(5) DUTIES.—A security-based swap data repository shall— ‘‘(A) accept data prescribed by the Commission for each security-based swap under subsection (b); ‘‘(B) confirm with both counterparties to the security- based swap the accuracy of the data that was submitted; ‘‘(C) maintain the data described in subparagraph (A) in such form, in such manner, and for such period as may be required by the Commission; ‘‘(D)(i) provide direct electronic access to the Commis- sion (or any designee of the Commission, including another registered entity); and ‘‘(ii) provide the information described in subparagraph (A) in such form and at such frequency as the Commission may require to comply with the public reporting require- ments set forth in subsection (m); ‘‘(E) at the direction of the Commission, establish auto- mated systems for monitoring, screening, and analyzing security-based swap data; ‘‘(F) maintain the privacy of any and all security-based swap transaction information that the security-based swap data repository receives from a security-based swap dealer, counterparty, or any other registered entity; and ‘‘(G) on a confidential basis pursuant to section 24, upon request, and after notifying the Commission of the request, make available all data obtained by the security- based swap data repository, including individual counterparty trade and position data, to— ‘‘(i) each appropriate prudential regulator; ‘‘(ii) the Financial Stability Oversight Council; ‘‘(iii) the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; ‘‘(iv) the Department of Justice; and ‘‘(v) any other person that the Commission deter- mines to be appropriate, including— ‘‘(I) foreign financial supervisors (including for- eign futures authorities); ‘‘(II) foreign central banks; and ‘‘(III) foreign ministries. ‘‘(H) CONFIDENTIALITY AND INDEMNIFICATION AGREE- MENT.—Before the security-based swap data repository may share information with any entity described in subpara- graph (G)— ‘‘(i) the security-based swap data repository shall receive a written agreement from each entity stating that the entity shall abide by the confidentiality requirements described in section 24 relating to the information on security-based swap transactions that is provided; and Confidentiality. Notification.