Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2007

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124 STAT. 1981 PUBLIC LAW 111–203—JULY 21, 2010 (ii) the impact of proposed rules on covered per- sons, as described in section 1026, and the impact on consumers in rural areas; (B) the Bureau shall consult with the appropriate prudential regulators or other Federal agencies prior to proposing a rule and during the comment process regarding consistency with prudential, market, or systemic objectives administered by such agencies; and (C) if, during the consultation process described in subparagraph (B), a prudential regulator provides the Bureau with a written objection to the proposed rule of the Bureau or a portion thereof, the Bureau shall include in the adopting release a description of the objection and the basis for the Bureau decision, if any, regarding such objection, except that nothing in this clause shall be con- strued as altering or limiting the procedures under section 1023 that may apply to any rule prescribed by the Bureau. (3) EXEMPTIONS.— (A) IN GENERAL.—The Bureau, by rule, may condi- tionally or unconditionally exempt any class of covered persons, service providers, or consumer financial products or services, from any provision of this title, or from any rule issued under this title, as the Bureau determines necessary or appropriate to carry out the purposes and objectives of this title, taking into consideration the factors in subparagraph (B). (B) FACTORS.—In issuing an exemption, as permitted under subparagraph (A), the Bureau shall, as appropriate, take into consideration— (i) the total assets of the class of covered persons; (ii) the volume of transactions involving consumer financial products or services in which the class of covered persons engages; and (iii) existing provisions of law which are applicable to the consumer financial product or service and the extent to which such provisions provide consumers with adequate protections. (4) EXCLUSIVE RULEMAKING AUTHORITY.— (A) IN GENERAL.—Notwithstanding any other provi- sions of Federal law and except as provided in section 1061(b)(5), to the extent that a provision of Federal con- sumer financial law authorizes the Bureau and another Federal agency to issue regulations under that provision of law for purposes of assuring compliance with Federal consumer financial law and any regulations thereunder, the Bureau shall have the exclusive authority to prescribe rules subject to those provisions of law. (B) DEFERENCE.—Notwithstanding any power granted to any Federal agency or to the Council under this title, and subject to section 1061(b)(5)(E), the deference that a court affords to the Bureau with respect to a determina- tion by the Bureau regarding the meaning or interpretation of any provision of a Federal consumer financial law shall be applied as if the Bureau were the only agency authorized to apply, enforce, interpret, or administer the provisions of such Federal consumer financial law. (c) MONITORING.— Applicability. Consultation.