Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2076

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124 STAT. 2050 PUBLIC LAW 111–203—JULY 21, 2010 month period beginning on the designated transfer date, and benefit accruals under the existing retire- ment plan of the transferred employee shall end on the last day of the 18-month period beginning on the designated transfer date If an employee elects to participate in the Federal Reserve System Retirement Plan and the Federal Reserve System Thrift Plan, all of the service of the employee that was creditable under their existing retirement plan shall be trans- ferred to the Federal Reserve System Retirement Plan on the day following the end of the 18-month period beginning on the designated transfer date. (iv) BUREAU CONTRIBUTION.—The Bureau shall pay an employer contribution to the Federal Reserve System Retirement Plan, in the amount established as an employer contribution under the Federal Employees Retirement System, as established under chapter 84 of title 5, United States Code, for each Bureau employee who elects to participate in the Fed- eral Reserve System Retirement Plan under this subparagraph. The Bureau shall pay an employer con- tribution to the Federal Reserve System Thrift Plan for each Bureau employee who elects to participate in such plan, as required under the terms of the Fed- eral Reserve System Thrift Plan. (v) ADDITIONAL FUNDING.—The Bureau shall transfer to the Federal Reserve System Retirement Plan an amount determined by the Board of Governors, in consultation with the Bureau, to be necessary to reimburse the Federal Reserve System Retirement Plan for the costs to such plan of providing benefits to employees electing coverage under the Federal Reserve System Retirement Plan under subparagraph (iii), and who were transferred to the Bureau from outside of the Federal Reserve System. (vi) OPTION TO ELECT INTO THRIFT PLAN CREATED BY THE BUREAU.—If the Bureau chooses to establish a thrift plan, the employees transferred pursuant to this subtitle shall have the option to elect, under such terms and conditions as the Bureau may establish, coverage under such a thrift plan established by the Bureau. Transferred employees may not remain in the thrift plan of the agency from which the employee transferred under this subtitle, if the employee elects to participate in a thrift plan established by the Bureau. (B) OPTION FOR EMPLOYEES TRANSFERRED FROM FED- ERAL RESERVE SYSTEM TO BE SUBJECT TO THE FEDERAL EMPLOYEE RETIREMENT PROGRAM.— (i) ELECTION.—Any Federal Reserve System trans- ferred employee who was enrolled in the Federal Reserve System Retirement Plan on the day before the date of his or her transfer to the Bureau may, during the 1-year period beginning 6 months after the designated transfer date, elect to be subject to the Federal Employee Retirement Program.