Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2272

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124 STAT. 2246 PUBLIC LAW 111–207—JULY 27, 2010 ‘‘(B) provide a copy of the security guide to the Federal Bureau of Investigation for comment; and ‘‘(C) publicize the security guide on the website of the vessel owner. ‘‘(2) EMBASSY AND CONSULATE LOCATIONS.—The owner of a vessel to which this section applies shall provide in each passenger stateroom, and post in a location readily accessible to all crew and in other places specified by the Secretary, information regarding the locations of the United States embassy and each consulate of the United States for each country the vessel will visit during the course of the voyage. ‘‘(d) SEXUAL ASSAULT.—The owner of a vessel to which this section applies shall— ‘‘(1) maintain on the vessel adequate, in-date supplies of anti-retroviral medications and other medications designed to prevent sexually transmitted diseases after a sexual assault; ‘‘(2) maintain on the vessel equipment and materials for performing a medical examination in sexual assault cases to evaluate the patient for trauma, provide medical care, and preserve relevant medical evidence; ‘‘(3) make available on the vessel at all times medical staff who have undergone a credentialing process to verify that he or she— ‘‘(A) possesses a current physician’s or registered nurse’s license and— ‘‘(i) has at least 3 years of post-graduate or post- registration clinical practice in general and emergency medicine; or ‘‘(ii) holds board certification in emergency medi- cine, family practice medicine, or internal medicine; ‘‘(B) is able to provide assistance in the event of an alleged sexual assault, has received training in conducting forensic sexual assault examination, and is able to promptly perform such an examination upon request and provide proper medical treatment of a victim, including administra- tion of anti-retroviral medications and other medications that may prevent the transmission of human immuno- deficiency virus and other sexually transmitted diseases; and ‘‘(C) meets guidelines established by the American Col- lege of Emergency Physicians relating to the treatment and care of victims of sexual assault; ‘‘(4) prepare, provide to the patient, and maintain written documentation of the findings of such examination that is signed by the patient; and ‘‘(5) provide the patient free and immediate access to— ‘‘(A) contact information for local law enforcement, the Federal Bureau of Investigation, the United States Coast Guard, the nearest United States consulate or embassy, and the National Sexual Assault Hotline program or other third party victim advocacy hotline service; and ‘‘(B) a private telephone line and Internet-accessible computer terminal by which the individual may confiden- tially access law enforcement officials, an attorney, and the information and support services available through the National Sexual Assault Hotline program or other third party victim advocacy hotline service. Web posting.