Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2414

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124 STAT. 2388 PUBLIC LAW 111–225—AUG. 10, 2010 LEGISLATIVE HISTORY—S. 1749: CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 156 (2010): Apr. 13, considered and passed Senate. July 20, considered and passed House, amended. July 28, Senate concurred in House amendment. (2) A study of selected State and Federal efforts to prevent the smuggling of cell phones and other wireless devices into prisons, including efforts that selected State and Federal authorities are making to minimize trafficking of cell phones by guards and other prison officials and recommendations to reduce the number of cell phones that are trafficked into prisons. (3) A study of cell phone use by inmates in selected State and Federal prisons, including— (A) the quantity of cell phones confiscated by authori- ties in selected State and Federal prisons; and (B) the reported impact, if any, of: (1) inmate cell phone use on the overall security of prisons; and (2) connec- tions to criminal activity from within prisons. SEC. 4. COMPLIANCE WITH PAYGO. The budgetary effects of this Act, for the purpose of complying with the Statutory Pay-As-You-Go Act of 2010, shall be determined by reference to the latest statement titled ‘‘Budgetary Effects of PAYGO Legislation’’ for this Act, submitted for printing in the Congressional Record by the Chairman of the Committee on the Budget of the House of Representatives, provided that such state- ment has been submitted prior to the vote on passage. Approved August 10, 2010.