Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2612

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124 STAT. 2586 PUBLIC LAW 111–240—SEPT. 27, 2010 (iii) Positive net income measured on a 3-year rolling average. (iv) Operating liquidity ratio of at least 1.0 for the 4 most recent quarters and for one or both of the two preceding years. (v) Ratio of loans and leases 90 days or more delinquent (including loans sold with full recourse) to total equity plus loan loss reserves is less than 40 percent. (C) REQUIREMENT TO SUBMIT AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS.—CDLFs participating in the Program shall submit audited financial statements to the Secretary, have a clean audit opinion, and have at least 3 years of operating experience. (c) CREDITS TO THE FUND.—There shall be credited to the Fund amounts made available pursuant to section 4108, to the extent provided by appropriations Acts. (d) TERMS.— (1) APPLICATION.— (A) INSTITUTIONS WITH ASSETS OF $1,000,000,000 OR LESS.—Eligible institutions having total assets equal to or less than $1,000,000,000, as reported in a call report as of the end of the fourth quarter of calendar year 2009, may apply to receive a capital investment from the Fund in an amount not exceeding 5 percent of risk-weighted assets, as reported in the call report immediately preceding the date of application, less the amount of any CDCI invest- ment and any CPP investment. (B) INSTITUTIONS WITH ASSETS OF MORE THAN $1,000,000,000 AND LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO $10,000,000,000.— Eligible institutions having total assets of more than $1,000,000,000 but less than $10,000,000,000, as of the end of the fourth quarter of calendar year 2009, may apply to receive a capital investment from the Fund in an amount not exceeding 3 percent of risk-weighted assets, as reported in the call report immediately preceding the date of applica- tion, less the amount of any CDCI investment and any CPP investment. (C) TREATMENT OF HOLDING COMPANIES.—In the case of an eligible institution that is a bank holding company or a savings and loan holding company having one or more insured depository institution subsidiaries, total assets shall be measured based on the combined total assets reported in the call report of the insured depository institu- tion subsidiaries as of the end of the fourth quarter of calendar year 2009 and risk-weighted assets shall be meas- ured based on the combined risk-weighted assets of the insured depository institution subsidiaries as reported in the call report immediately preceding the date of applica- tion. (D) TREATMENT OF APPLICANTS THAT ARE INSTITUTIONS CONTROLLED BY HOLDING COMPANIES.—If an eligible institu- tion that applies to receive a capital investment under the Program is under the control of a bank holding company or a savings and loan holding company, then the Secretary may use the Fund to purchase preferred stock or other