Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2743

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124 STAT. 2717 PUBLIC LAW 111–259—OCT. 7, 2010 ‘‘(v) the Inspector General, after exhausting all possible alternatives, is unable to obtain significant documentary information in the course of an investigation, inspection, audit, or review, the Inspector General shall immediately notify, and submit a report to, the congressional intelligence committees on such matter. ‘‘(B) The Inspector General shall submit to the committees of the Senate and of the House of Representatives with jurisdiction over a department of the United States Government any portion of each report under subparagraph (A) that involves an investiga- tion, inspection, audit, or review carried out by the Inspector Gen- eral focused on any current or former official of a component of such department simultaneously with submission of the report to the congressional intelligence committees. ‘‘(4) The Director shall submit to the congressional intelligence committees any report or findings and recommendations of an inves- tigation, inspection, audit, or review conducted by the office which has been requested by the Chairman or Vice Chairman or ranking minority member of either committee. ‘‘(5)(A) An employee of an element of the intelligence commu- nity, an employee assigned or detailed to an element of the intel- ligence community, or an employee of a contractor to the intelligence community who intends to report to Congress a complaint or information with respect to an urgent concern may report such complaint or information to the Inspector General. ‘‘(B) Not later than the end of the 14-calendar-day period begin- ning on the date of receipt from an employee of a complaint or information under subparagraph (A), the Inspector General shall determine whether the complaint or information appears credible. Upon making such a determination, the Inspector General shall transmit to the Director a notice of that determination, together with the complaint or information. ‘‘(C) Upon receipt of a transmittal from the Inspector General under subparagraph (B), the Director shall, within 7 calendar days of such receipt, forward such transmittal to the congressional intel- ligence committees, together with any comments the Director con- siders appropriate. ‘‘(D)(i) If the Inspector General does not find credible under subparagraph (B) a complaint or information submitted under subparagraph (A), or does not transmit the complaint or information to the Director in accurate form under subparagraph (B), the employee (subject to clause (ii)) may submit the complaint or information to Congress by contacting either or both of the congres- sional intelligence committees directly. ‘‘(ii) An employee may contact the congressional intelligence committees directly as described in clause (i) only if the employee— ‘‘(I) before making such a contact, furnishes to the Director, through the Inspector General, a statement of the employee’s complaint or information and notice of the employee’s intent to contact the congressional intelligence committees directly; and ‘‘(II) obtains and follows from the Director, through the Inspector General, direction on how to contact the congressional intelligence committees in accordance with appropriate security practices. ‘‘(iii) A member or employee of one of the congressional intel- ligence committees who receives a complaint or information under Notification.