Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2857

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124 STAT. 2831 PUBLIC LAW 111–267—OCT. 11, 2010 SEC. 704. DECADAL SURVEY MISSIONS IMPLEMENTATION FOR EARTH OBSERVATION. The Administrator shall undertake to implement, as appro- priate, missions identified in the National Research Council’s Earth Science Decadal Survey within the scope of the funds authorized for the Earth Science Mission Directorate. SEC. 705. EXPANSION OF EARTH SCIENCE APPLICATIONS. It is the sense of the Congress that the role of NASA in Earth Science applications shall be expanded with other depart- ments and agencies of the Federal government, State and local governments, tribal governments, academia, the private sector, non- profit organizations, and international partners. NASA’s Earth science data can increasingly aid efforts to improve the human condition and provide greater security. SEC. 706. INSTRUMENT TEST-BEDS AND VENTURE CLASS MISSIONS. The Administrator shall pursue innovative ways to fly instrument-level payloads for early demonstration or as co-mani- fested payloads. The Congress encourages the use of the ISS as an accessible platform for the conduct of such activities. Addition- ally, in order to address the cost and schedule challenges associated with large flight systems, NASA should pursue smaller systems where practicable and warranted. SEC. 707. SENSE OF CONGRESS ON NPOESS FOLLOW -ON PROGRAM. It is the Sense of the Congress that— (1) polar orbiting satellites are vital for weather prediction, climate and environmental monitoring, national security, emer- gency response, and climate research; (2) the National Polar Orbiting Environmental Satellite System has suffered from years of steadily rising cost estimates and schedule delays and an independent review team rec- ommended that the System be restructured to improve the probability of success and protect the continuity of weather and climate data; (3) the Congress supports the decision made by OSTP in February, 2010, to restructure the program to minimize schedule slips and cost overruns, clarify the responsibilities and accountability of NASA, NOAA, and the Department of Defense, and retain necessary coordination across civil and defense weather and climate programs; (4) the Administrator of NOAA and the Secretary of Defense should maximize the use of assets from the NPOESS program as they establish the NOAA Joint Polar Satellite System at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center, and the Department of Defense’s Defense Weather Satellite System; (5) the Administrator of NOAA and the Secretary of Defense should structure their programs in order to maintain satellite data continuity for the Nation’s weather and climate requirements; and (6) the Administrator of NOAA and the Secretary of Defense should provide immediate notification to the Congress of any impediments that may require Congressional interven- tion in order for the agencies to meet launch readiness dates, together with any recommended actions. 42 USC 18373.