Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/2960

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124 STAT. 2934 PUBLIC LAW 111–281—OCT. 15, 2010 Homeland Security of the House of Representatives by July 1 of each year on the scope of the acquisition activities to be performed in the next fiscal year and on the adequacy of the current acquisition workforce to meet that anticipated workload. ‘‘(2) CONTENTS.—The report shall— ‘‘(A) specify the number of officers, members, and employees of the Coast Guard currently and planned to be assigned to each position designated under subsection (c); and ‘‘(B) identify positions that are understaffed to meet the anticipated acquisition workload, and actions that will be taken to correct such understaffing. ‘‘(f) APPOINTMENTS TO ACQUISITION POSITIONS.—The Com- mandant shall ensure that no requirement or preference for officers or members of the Coast Guard is used in the consideration of persons for positions in the acquisition workforce. ‘‘(g) CAREER PATHS.— ‘‘(1) IDENTIFICATION OF CAREER PATHS.—To establish acquisition management as a core competency of the Coast Guard, the Commandant shall— ‘‘(A) ensure that career paths for officers, members, and employees of the Coast Guard who wish to pursue careers in acquisition are identified in terms of the edu- cation, training, experience, and assignments necessary for career progression of those officers, members, and employees to the most senior positions in the acquisition workforce; and ‘‘(B) publish information on such career paths. ‘‘(2) PROMOTION PARITY.—The Commandant shall ensure that promotion parity is established for officers and members of the Coast Guard who have been assigned to the acquisition workforce relative to officers and members who have not been assigned to the acquisition workforce. ‘‘§ 563. Recognition of Coast Guard personnel for excellence in acquisition ‘‘(a) IN GENERAL.—Not later than 180 days after the date of enactment of the Coast Guard Authorization Act for Fiscal Years 2010 and 2011, the Commandant shall commence implementation of a program to recognize excellent performance by individuals and teams comprised of officers, members, and employees of the Coast Guard that contributed to the long-term success of a Coast Guard acquisition project or program. ‘‘(b) ELEMENTS.—The program shall include— ‘‘(1) specific award categories, criteria, and eligibility and manners of recognition; ‘‘(2) procedures for the nomination by personnel of the Coast Guard of individuals and teams comprised of officers, members, and employees of the Coast Guard for recognition under the program; and ‘‘(3) procedures for the evaluation of nominations for rec- ognition under the program by one or more panels of individuals from the Government, academia, and the private sector who have such expertise and are appointed in such manner as the Commandant shall establish for the purposes of this pro- gram. Deadline. Publication.