Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3018

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124 STAT. 2992 PUBLIC LAW 111–281—OCT. 15, 2010 (A) begin to increase the number of detection canine teams certified by the Coast Guard for the purposes of maritime-related security by no fewer than 10 canine teams annually through fiscal year 2012; and (B) encourage owners and operators of port facilities, passenger cruise liners, oceangoing cargo vessels, and other vessels identified by the Secretary to strengthen security through the use of highly trained detection canine teams. (2) CANINE PROCUREMENT.—The Secretary, acting through the Commandant of the Coast Guard, shall procure detection canine teams as efficiently as possible, including, to the greatest extent possible, through increased domestic breeding, while meeting the performance needs and criteria established by the Commandant. (c) DEPLOYMENT.—The Secretary shall prioritize deployment of the additional canine teams to ports based on risk, consistent with the Security and Accountability For Every Port Act of 2006 (Public Law 109–347). SEC. 806. COAST GUARD PORT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM. (a) FOREIGN PORT ASSESSMENT.—Chapter 701 of title 46, United States Code, is amended— (1) by adding at the end of section 70108 the following: ‘‘(e) LIMITATION ON STATUTORY CONSTRUCTION.—The absence of an inspection of a foreign port shall not bar the Secretary from making a finding that a port in a foreign country does not maintain effective antiterrorism measures.’’; (2) by striking ‘‘If the Secretary, after conducting an assess- ment under section 70108, finds that a port in a foreign country does not maintain effective antiterrorism measures,’’ in section 70109(a) and inserting ‘‘Unless the Secretary finds that a port in a foreign country maintains effective antiterrorism meas- ures,’’; and (3) by striking ‘‘If the Secretary finds that a foreign port does not maintain effective antiterrorism measures,’’ in section 70110(a) and inserting ‘‘Unless the Secretary finds that a for- eign port maintains effective antiterrorism measures,’’. (b) ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.—Section 70110 of title 46, United States Code, is amended by adding at the end the following: ‘‘(f) COAST GUARD ASSISTANCE PROGRAM.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary may lend, lease, donate, or otherwise provide equipment, and provide technical training and support, to the owner or operator of a foreign port or facility— ‘‘(A) to assist in bringing the port or facility into compli- ance with applicable International Ship and Port Facility Code standards; and ‘‘(B) to assist the port or facility in correcting defi- ciencies identified in periodic port assessments and reassessments required under section 70108 of this title. ‘‘(2) CONDITIONS.—The Secretary— ‘‘(A) may provide such assistance based upon an assess- ment of the risks to the security of the United States and the inability of the owner or operator of the port or facility to bring the port or facility into compliance with those standards and to maintain compliance with, or exceed, such standards;