Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3106

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124 STAT. 3080 PUBLIC LAW 111–291—DEC. 8, 2010 (e) PAYMENT OF CHARGES.—The Tribe, and any recipient of tribal CAP water through a contract or option to lease or exchange, shall not be obligated to pay a water service capital charge or any other charge, payment, or fee for CAP water, except as provided in an applicable lease or exchange agreement. (f) PROHIBITIONS.— (1) USE OUTSIDE STATE.—No tribal CAP water may be leased, exchanged, forborne, or otherwise transferred by the Tribe in any way for use directly or indirectly outside the State. (2) USE OFF RESERVATION.—Except as authorized by this section and paragraph 4.7 of the Agreement, no tribal water rights under this title may be sold, leased, transferred, or used outside the boundaries of the reservation or off-reservation trust land other than pursuant to an exchange. (3) AGREEMENTS WITH ARIZONA WATER BANKING AUTHORITY.—Nothing in this title or the Agreement limits the right of the Tribe to enter into an agreement with the Arizona Water Banking Authority (or any successor entity) established by section 45–2421 of the Arizona Revised Statutes in accord- ance with State law. (g) LEASES.— (1) IN GENERAL.—To the extent that the leases of tribal CAP Water by the Tribe to the District and to any of the cities in the State, attached as exhibits to the Agreement, are not in conflict with the provisions of this title— (A) those leases are authorized, ratified, and confirmed; and (B) the Secretary shall execute the leases. (2) AMENDMENTS.—To the extent that amendments are executed to make the leases described in paragraph (1) con- sistent with this title, those amendments are authorized, rati- fied, and confirmed. SEC. 307. AUTHORIZATION OF WMAT RURAL WATER SYSTEM. (a) IN GENERAL.—Consistent with subsections (a) and (e) of section 312 and subsection (h) of this section, the Secretary, acting through the Bureau, shall plan, design, and construct the WMAT rural water system to divert, store, and distribute water from the North Fork of the White River to the Tribe that shall consist of— (1) a dam and storage reservoir, pumping plant, and treat- ment facilities located along the North Fork of the White River near the community of Whiteriver; (2) a distribution system consisting of pipelines extending from the treatment facilities to existing water distribution sys- tems serving the communities of Whiteriver, Fort Apache, Canyon Day, Cedar Creek, Carrizo, and Cibecue; (3) connections to existing distribution facilities for the communities described in paragraph (2), but not including any upgrades of, or improvements to, existing or future public water systems for the communities described in paragraph (2) that may be necessary to accommodate increased demand and flow rates (and any associated changes in water quality); (4) connections to additional communities along the pipe- line, provided that the additional connections may be added