Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3169

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124 STAT. 3143 PUBLIC LAW 111–291—DEC. 8, 2010 (C) the construction costs associated with any water made available from the San Juan-Chama Project which were determined nonreimbursable and nonreturnable pursuant to Public Law No. 88–293, 78 Stat. 171 (March 26, 1964), shall remain nonreimbursable and nonreturn- able. (2) TERMINATION.—The contract shall provide that it shall terminate only on— (A) failure of the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico to enter a final decree for the Aamodt Case by the expiration date described in section 623(b), or within the time period of any extension of that deadline granted by the court; or (B) entry of an order by the United States District Court for the District of New Mexico voiding the final decree and Settlement Agreement for the Aamodt Case pursuant to section 10.3 of the Settlement Agreement. (f) LIMITATION.—The Secretary shall use the water supply secured under subsection (a) only for the purposes described in the Settlement Agreement. (g) FULFILLMENT OF WATER SUPPLY ACQUISITION OBLIGA- TIONS.—Compliance with subsections (a) through (f) shall satisfy any and all obligations of the Secretary to acquire or secure a water supply for the Pueblos pursuant to the Settlement Agreement. (h) RIGHTS OF PUEBLOS IN SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT UNAFFECTED.—Notwithstanding the provisions of subsections (a) through (g), the Pueblos, the County or the Regional Water Authority may acquire any additional water rights to ensure all parties to the Settlement Agreement receive the full allocation of water provided by the Settlement Agreement and nothing in this title amends or modifies the quantities of water allocated to the Pueblos thereunder. SEC. 614. DELIVERY AND ALLOCATION OF REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY AND WATER. (a) ALLOCATION OF REGIONAL WATER SYSTEM CAPACITY.— (1) IN GENERAL.—The Regional Water System shall have the capacity to divert from the Rio Grande a quantity of water sufficient to provide— (A) up to 4,000 acre-feet of consumptive use of water; and (B) the requisite peaking capacity described in— (i) the Engineering Report; and (ii) the final project design. (2) ALLOCATION TO THE PUEBLOS AND COUNTY WATER UTILITY.—Of the capacity described in paragraph (1)— (A) there shall be allocated to the Pueblos— (i) sufficient capacity for the conveyance of 2,500 acre-feet consumptive use; and (ii) the requisite peaking capacity for the quantity of water described in clause (i); and (B) there shall be allocated to the County Water Utility— (i) sufficient capacity for the conveyance of up to 1,500 acre-feet consumptive use; and (ii) the requisite peaking capacity for the quantity of water described in clause (i).