Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3237

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124 STAT. 3211 PUBLIC LAW 111–296—DEC. 13, 2010 or temporary assistance at households with children who are experiencing hunger or food insecurity, to the extent permitted by the legal authority establishing those assistance programs and services; ‘‘(4) enhance outreach to increase access and participation in Federal nutrition assistance programs; and ‘‘(5) improve the coordination of Federal, State, and commu- nity resources and services aimed at preventing food insecurity and hunger, including through the establishment and expansion of State food policy councils. ‘‘(d) GRANTS.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—In carrying out this section, the Sec- retary may competitively award grants or enter into competi- tively awarded cooperative agreements with Governors for use in accordance with demonstration projects that meet the pur- poses of this section. ‘‘(2) APPLICATION.—To be eligible to receive a grant or cooperative agreement under this section, a Governor shall submit to the Secretary an application at such time, in such manner, and containing such information as the Secretary may require. ‘‘(3) SELECTION CRITERIA.—The Secretary shall evaluate proposals based on publicly disseminated criteria that may include— ‘‘(A) an identification of a low-income target group that reflects individuals experiencing hunger or food insecu- rity; ‘‘(B) a commitment to approaches that allow for a rig- orous outcome evaluation as described in subsection (f); ‘‘(C) a comprehensive and innovative strategy to reduce the risk of childhood hunger or provide a significant improvement to the food security status of households with children; and ‘‘(D) such other criteria as are determined by the Sec- retary. ‘‘(4) REQUIREMENTS.—Any project funded under this section shall provide for— ‘‘(A) a baseline assessment, and subsequent annual assessments, of the prevalence and severity of very low food security among children in the State, based on a methodology prescribed by the Secretary; ‘‘(B) a collaborative planning process including key stakeholders in the State that results in a comprehensive agenda to eliminate childhood hunger that is— ‘‘(i) described in a detailed project plan; and ‘‘(ii) provided to the Secretary for approval; ‘‘(C) an annual budget; ‘‘(D) specific performance goals, including the goal to sharply reduce or eliminate food insecurity among children in the State by 2015, as determined through a methodology prescribed by the Secretary and carried out by the Gov- ernor; and ‘‘(E) an independent outcome evaluation of not less than 1 major strategy of the project that measures— ‘‘(i) the specific impact of the strategy on food insecurity among children in the State; and