Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3405

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124 STAT. 3379 PUBLIC LAW 111–314—DEC. 18, 2010 § 40102. Governmental interest in aeronautics research and development Congress reaffirms the national commitment to aeronautics research made in chapter 201 of this title. Aeronautics research and development remains a core mission of the Administration. The Administration is the lead agency for civil aeronautics research. Further, the government of the United States shall promote aero- nautics research and development that will expand the capacity, ensure the safety, and increase the efficiency of the Nation’s air transportation system, promote the security of the Nation, protect the environment, and retain the leadership of the United States in global aviation. § 40103. Cooperation with other agencies on aeronautics activities The Administrator shall coordinate, as appropriate, the Adminis- tration’s aeronautics activities with relevant programs in the Department of Transportation, the Department of Defense, the Department of Commerce, and the Department of Homeland Secu- rity, including the activities of the Next Generation Air Transpor- tation System Joint Planning and Development Office established under section 709 of the Vision 100—Century of Aviation Reauthor- ization Act (Public Law 108–176, 49 U.S.C. 40101 note). § 40104. Cooperation among Mission Directorates Research and development activities performed by the Aero- nautics Research Mission Directorate with the primary objective of assisting in the development of a flight project in another Mission Directorate shall be funded by the Mission Directorate seeking assistance. SUBCHAPTER II—HIGH PRIORITY AERONAUTICS RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS § 40111. Fundamental research program (a) OBJECTIVE.—In order to ensure that the Nation maintains needed capabilities in fundamental areas of aeronautics research, the Administrator shall establish a program of long-term funda- mental research in aeronautical sciences and technologies that is not tied to specific development projects. (b) OPERATION.—The Administrator shall conduct the program under this section, in part by awarding grants to institutions of higher education. The Administrator shall encourage the participa- tion of institutions of higher education located in States that partici- pate in the Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research. All grants to institutions of higher education under this section shall be awarded through merit review. § 40112. Research and technology programs (a) SUPERSONIC TRANSPORT RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT.—The Administrator may establish an initiative with the objective of developing and demonstrating, in a relevant environment, airframe and propulsion technologies to enable efficient, economical overland flight of supersonic civil transport aircraft with no significant impact on the environment. (b) ROTORCRAFT AND OTHER RUNWAY-INDEPENDENT AIR VEHICLES.—The Administrator may establish a rotorcraft and other Grants.