Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3426

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124 STAT. 3400 PUBLIC LAW 111–314—DEC. 18, 2010 development, demonstration, scientific, commercial, and edu- cational programs authorized by the Administrator. (c) AGREEMENTS WITH FOREIGN ENTITIES.—Nothing in this sec- tion shall prevent the Administrator from planning or negotiating agreements with foreign entities for the launch of Federal Govern- ment payloads for international collaborative efforts relating to science and technology. (d) DELAYED EFFECT.—Subsection (a) shall not apply to space transportation services and space transportation vehicles acquired or owned by the Federal Government before October 28, 1998, or with respect to which a contract for such acquisition or ownership has been entered into before October 28, 1998. (e) HISTORICAL PURPOSES.—This section shall not be construed to prohibit the Federal Government from acquiring, owning, or maintaining space transportation vehicles solely for historical dis- play purposes. § 50132. Acquisition of commercial space transportation services (a) TREATMENT OF COMMERCIAL SPACE TRANSPORTATION SERVICES AS COMMERCIAL ITEM UNDER ACQUISITION LAWS.—Acquisitions of space transportation services by the Federal Government shall be carried out in accordance with applicable acquisition laws and regu- lations (including chapters 137 and 140 of title 10). For purposes of such law and regulations, space transportation services shall be considered to be a commercial item. (b) SAFETY STANDARDS.—Nothing in this section shall be con- strued to prohibit the Federal Government from requiring compli- ance with applicable safety standards. § 50133. Shuttle privatization The Administrator shall prepare for an orderly transition from the Federal operation, or Federal management of contracted oper- ation, of space transportation systems to the Federal purchase of commercial space transportation services for all nonemergency space transportation requirements for transportation to and from Earth orbit, including human, cargo, and mixed payloads. In those preparations, the Administrator shall take into account the need for short-term economies, as well as the goal of restoring the Administration’s research focus and its mandate to promote the fullest possible commercial use of space. As part of those prepara- tions, the Administrator shall plan for the potential privatization of the space shuttle program. Such plan shall keep safety and cost effectiveness as high priorities. Nothing in this section shall prohibit the Administration from studying, designing, developing, or funding upgrades or modifications essential to the safe and economical operation of the space shuttle fleet. § 50134. Use of excess intercontinental ballistic missiles (a) IN GENERAL.—The Federal Government shall not— (1) convert any missile described in subsection (c) to a space transportation vehicle configuration; or (2) transfer ownership of any such missile to another person, except as provided in subsection (b). (b) AUTHORIZED FEDERAL USES.— (1) IN GENERAL.—A missile described in subsection (c) may be converted for use as a space transportation vehicle by the