Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3520

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124 STAT. 3494 PUBLIC LAW 111–320—DEC. 20, 2010 ‘‘(G) specify the State agency or tribally designated official to be designated as responsible for the administra- tion of programs and activities relating to family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence, that are carried out by the State or Indian tribe under this title, and for coordination of related programs within the jurisdiction of the State or Indian tribe; ‘‘(H) provide an assurance that the State or Indian tribe has a law or procedure to bar an abuser from a shared household or a household of the abused person, which may include eviction laws or procedures, where appropriate; and ‘‘(I) meet such requirements as the Secretary reason- ably determines are necessary to carry out the objectives and provisions of this title. ‘‘(b) APPROVAL OF APPLICATION.— ‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—The Secretary shall approve any applica- tion that meets the requirements of subsection (a) and section 306. The Secretary shall not disapprove any application under this subsection unless the Secretary gives the applicant reason- able notice of the Secretary’s intention to disapprove and a 6-month period providing an opportunity for correction of any deficiencies. ‘‘(2) CORRECTION OF DEFICIENCIES.—The Secretary shall give such notice, within 45 days after the date of submission of the application, if any of the provisions of subsection (a) or section 306 have not been satisfied in such application. If the State or Indian tribe does not correct the deficiencies in such application within the 6-month period following the receipt of the Secretary’s notice, the Secretary shall withhold payment of any grant funds under section 306 to such State or under section 309 to such Indian tribe until such date as the State or Indian tribe provides documentation that the deficiencies have been corrected. ‘‘(3) STATE OR TRIBAL DOMESTIC VIOLENCE COALITION PARTICIPATION IN DETERMINATIONS OF COMPLIANCE.—State Domestic Violence Coalitions, or comparable coalitions for Indian tribes, shall be permitted to participate in determining whether grantees for corresponding States or Indian tribes are in compliance with subsection (a) and section 306(c), except that no funds made available under section 311 shall be used to challenge a determination about whether a grantee is in compliance with, or to seek the enforcement of, the require- ments of this title. ‘‘(4) FAILURE TO REPORT; NONCONFORMING EXPENDITURES.— The Secretary shall suspend funding for an approved applica- tion if the applicant fails to submit an annual performance report under section 306(d), or if funds are expended for pur- poses other than those set forth in section 306(b), after following the procedures set forth in paragraphs (1), (2), and (3). ‘‘SEC. 308. SUBGRANTS AND USES OF FUNDS. ‘‘(a) SUBGRANTS.—A State that receives a grant under section 306(a) shall use grant funds described in section 306(b)(2) to provide subgrants to eligible entities for programs and projects within such State, that is designed to prevent incidents of family violence, domestic violence, and dating violence by providing immediate 42 USC 10408. Notification. Deadline. Notification. Time period.