Page:United States Statutes at Large Volume 124.djvu/3735

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124 STAT. 3709 PUBLIC LAW 111–350—JAN. 4, 2011 Federal agencies covered by the plan below 25 percent over the next 5 years, an examination of each of the matters specified in subparagraphs (A) to (E) in the context of a 5-year plan that increases the size of such acquisition workforce by not less than 25 percent, or an explanation why such a level of growth would not be in the best interest of the Federal Government. (4) DEADLINE FOR COMPLETION.—The Acquisition Workforce Development Strategic Plan shall be completed not later than one year after October 14, 2008, and in a fashion that allows for immediate implementation of its recommendations and guidelines. (5) FUNDS.—The acquisition workforce development strategic plan shall be funded from the acquisition workforce training fund under section 1703(i) of this title. (h) TRAINING IN THE ACQUISITION OF ARCHITECT AND ENGINEERING SERVICES.—The Administrator shall ensure that a sufficient number of Federal employees are trained in the acquisi- tion of architect and engineering services. (i) UTILIZATION OF RECRUITMENT AND RETENTION AUTHORITIES.— The Administrator, in coordination with the Director of the Office of Personnel Management, shall encourage executive agencies to use existing authorities, including direct hire authority and tuition assistance programs, to recruit and retain acquisition personnel and consider recruiting acquisition personnel who may be retiring from the private sector, consistent with existing laws and regula- tions. § 1705. Advocates for competition (a) ESTABLISHMENT AND DESIGNATION.— (1) ESTABLISHMENT.—Each executive agency has an advocate for competition. (2) DESIGNATION.—The head of each executive agency shall— (A) designate for the executive agency and for each pro- curing activity of the executive agency one officer or employee serving in a position authorized for the executive agency on July 18, 1984 (other than the senior procurement executive designated pursuant to section 1702(c) of this title) to serve as the advocate for competition; (B) not assign those officers or employees duties or responsibilities that are inconsistent with the duties and responsibilities of the advocates for competition; and (C) provide those officers or employees with the staff or assistance necessary to carry out the duties and respon- sibilities of the advocate for competition, such as individ- uals who are specialists in engineering, technical oper- ations, contract administration, financial management, supply management, and utilization of small and disadvan- taged business concerns. (b) DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS.—The advocate for competition of an executive agency shall— (1) be responsible for challenging barriers to, and promoting full and open competition in, the procurement of property and services by the executive agency; (2) review the procurement activities of the executive agency; (3) identify and report to the senior procurement executive of the executive agency—